Meet The Founder Beatzcoin- Steven Zambron

Tron Weekly
8 min readAug 19, 2018


Justin Sun’s Tron is a blockchain-based decentralised platform that aims to build a free digital entertainment system that allows easy sharing of content and provides a decentralised storage technology. Tron attempts to bridge the gap between content creators and content consumers. The Tron ecosystem is experiencing immense churn with various digital currencies being introduced in the market Both Beatzcoin and Tron work on the same share principles of secured content and providing creators a platform to showcase and leverage their talent

Beatzcoin is a front-runner in digital currencies that utilizes blockchain technology and is traded on VibraVid, a multi-chain decentralized podium. VibraVid is a platform that taps into this space, offering a free peer to peer desktop and mobile streaming application that enables viewers to view and listen to content in the form of videos and audios. Content creators can upload, store, market, lease and sell their content to the users of this app alongside activities such as crowdfunding and sell merchandise and event tickets.Beatzcoin is a cryptocurrency which is the value of exchange on the VibraVid platform

Could you tell us about yourself and your position within VibraVid/Beatzcoin?

Sure. My name is Steven Zambron. I am the founder of BeatzCoin, the TRC20 (Tron Network) token for the VibraVid platform.

What inspired you to start VibraVid?

I was an aspiring rapper and then producer in my younger days. One of the greatest challenges my peers and I faced was ‘being noticed’. It is still very difficult to drive attention to your music (or Youtube™ video) without having a fair marketing budget, or spending hours a day begging for views. A lot of people with a ton of talent simply go un-noticed in this space. Once I became more aware of blockchain technology, it became apparent that the digital content industry not only needed to be tokenized but tokenized to the extent where extra incentives are put into place. Using fiat currency simply cannot achieve what we are doing.

When did you know it was time to convert the idea into reality?

I began teasing with the idea as far back as December of 2017. In early January I devoted most of any spare time I had to creating a business plan. As time went on, I reached out to a friend of mine, George Tobias, who was mining cryptocurrency at the time, and I pitched my ideas to him. I asked him if he’d help me to start putting the plan into motion. He agreed to come aboard, and we both began researching and testing ideas. In March I began reaching out to other people, as I definitely needed more help. Slowly but surely I put together a very small team, and I continued with the leadership role. By mid-April, the project had become a full-time job for me, even though I still continued to work a day job. Here we are today, after several thousands of devoted hours, our webpage and token (BeatzCoin) are alive and well!

What is Beatzcoin, and what differentiates it in the market?

BeatzCoin is a TRC20 token on the Tron (TRX) network. When using the TronScan wallet, transactions are extremely fast (usually 1–2 seconds), recorded on the Tron blockchain, and extremely cheap to process. Right now, BeatzCoin can be used in conjunction with the GoSeedit Bot to instantly send and tip BeatzCoin to Telegram™ users. This usage will be available on more platforms as time allows. What differentiates BeatzCoin from other tokens is that it is the primary token on the VibraVid social video and music sharing platform. VibraVid was taken down as there were some vulnerability discovered, and our team is working on correcting these issues, as well as adding some updates.

How will the investors benefit from investing in your project?

We do not recommend anyone to invest in BeatzCoin as our token is not any type of investment or security. Cryptocurrency presents many risks, and the market is very volatile. Anyone is welcome to join our bounty campaigns, airdrops, and giveaways. We have dedicated a whopping 6% of our total supply right now to these offers, and have frozen an additional 15% to launch more reward programs beginning 2 years from now! The VibraVid platform and the entire model of BeatzCoin are optimized for user and token holder reward. Aside from our standard campaigns, the VibraVid platform will provide users with several ways in which to earn more BeatzCoin. For example, someone may upload a video, and provide a bounty for you to view their content. VibraVid will also offer rewards in the form of contests. For example, we may announce that the video with the most views in 24 hours will receive 1,000 BeatzCoin. These are just some of the many ways we will continue to reward our community.

You started your journey from January 2018. How have the past 8 months been for you?

Like anything else in life, it has been a real roller-coaster ride. We have had many ups and downs. Several roadblocks have come our way but we’ve always managed to move forward! We’ve reached milestones that we did not see as possible. To do what we are doing takes a lot of time, dedication, and patience…and of course, money. All-in-all, I wouldn’t trade the experience for anything, and we are only in the beginning…

What are some of the learning points and challenges you have faced so far?

There is no particular order; however, I would like to note that funding and dedicated people are the 2 most difficult assets to acquire. I am no expert on all things, so I needed help. In the beginning, I had to pitch my idea to 100’s of people in order to add 1 person to the team. That was the ratio I was working with. The learning process was never much of an issue for me. The problem that usually arose was not having enough time to do things, and needing other, more knowledgeable, people to work on different areas of the project. We started with absolutely no budget. In that scenario, it becomes very difficult to convince people to work for free, however, every now and again you find the right person with the right talent, and they see the same vision. Another challenge for me was working with a completely remote team, as well as people that were not fluent in the language that I speak. Then, of course, were legal concerns. We basically restructured our entire project in order to not be considered any type of security offering.

To what extent are you trying to innovate to stay ahead of the competition?

During the past 8–9 months we’ve discovered or seen similar projects appear. Some of our competitors are Veracity, Steemit, Vuily, among a few others. Although you may find similar projects, most of them are very fancy in appearance, have some money backing them, have spent a lot more than us on PR but when it boils down to it, none of these projects are creating what we are creating. For instance, some of these projects are using Ethereum. I respect Ethereum but it is not good for micro-payments. We, in fact, were forced to abandon the idea of using Ethereum, specifically due to this issue. I often wonder why people invest in these projects. Another thing that concerns me is that a lot of these projects are using centralized methods of hosting and storage, yet claim to be some type of revolutionary, decentralized project. We are not concerned with the performance of our token. We are testing our own blockchain but we have full confidence in the Tron network. BeatzCoin will continue to remain involved in the building of the Tron community and infrastructure, and that, in my opinion, keeps us ahead of any competition.

At the moment how do you measure your success? What are your metrics?

I don’t see myself, or our project getting comfortable anytime soon. In fact, right now is more important than ever as we push for community adoption and usage. We have set many goals, and continue to achieve them. We, in nearly all cases, meet strict deadlines. Our roadmap is right on course. That is the only measure of success that I can give you at this time.

For someone establishing their own start-up, what advice would you give them?

Gather your ideas. It is very important (and sometimes difficult) to extract the ideas from your mind and put them into words or on paper. Keep editing your ideas until they are reasonably complete. It’s a never ending process but at some point you need to leave that alone and move forward with action. Build a good team. Don’t settle for people who are not willing to give 100%. It will only cause you heartache. In the beginning, not many people will see your vision as clearly as you do. This is perfectly normal, just understand it and accept it. Have patience. Don’t let anyone tell you that it cannot be done. Find and make ways to get it done! Read, study, and observe those who have found success. See what they did…and do it! Utilize any open-source or free methods to do things. You do not need tons of money to start your project or business, though many people will try to convince you otherwise. Lastly, believe in yourself, and always learn from mistakes.

It was our great pleasure to interview Steven Zambron. We TronWeekly Journal are very impressed with project Beatzcoin is going introduce. With thousands of applications, platforms and websites available, over 5,00,000 hours of music video content is uploaded daily from across the globe on this wonder that is the internet. Add technological advancements, better mobile data connectivity and superior streaming services to the mix, and we notice a steady shift from conventional music platforms to digital music. While this is a boon for the music industry at large, it certainly creates a difficult situation for emerging talent to gather resources to fund their content as well as be noticed in the online space among a herd of creators.. Existing platforms also focus on marketing and revenue generation as their primary motives, failing to incentivize new content creators or users who give fresh content a chance. Here’s where VibraVid and Beatzcoin come in.

The beauty of this application is that at every point a user and well as a creator has the chance to earn Beatzcoin which they can use for a wide plethora of activities on the platform. A user earns Beatzcoins by signing up on the app, participating in bounties, watching paid to view advertisements, completing daily weekly/challenges and much more. On the other hand, creators cash in when someone watches/listens to their content, allowing paid to view videos ads on their content, crowdfunding among other activities. VibraVid has effectively tapped into a gaping market gap that is certain to benefit and reward video creators, record producers, musicians, music enthusiasts and the entire industry at large. VibraVid & Beatzcoin certainly make for a fun experience for one and all!

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