Election Manifesto of TRON Super Representative — — Trons Tronics

Published in
8 min readJun 23, 2018

1. Official Web Site


2. Team info


Q: What is TronsTronics?
A: It is the people of Tron
Q: What is Tron
A: It is a cryptocurrency created by Justin Sun
Q: What is a Tronic
A: Justin Sun gave all of the people who hold TRX (Tron) the name of Tronics, therefore I am Trons Tronics

We are VERY excited to be a part of the TRON nation. We have put a lot of effort into the project and we are ready to go.

- We have the experience and the will to make TRON the most used Cryptocurrency in the world.

- Between our current team, we have over 35 years of business operations and business analysis.

- We are heavily invested in TRX and want nothing more than to see the investors & TRX surpass its Predecessor ETH

- We will be adding highly talented professionals to our team as soon as we are elected to be a Super Representative

- Robert, Luke, and Haley are Super excited to answer your questions and are open to new ideas and implementing them into our overall mission.

Our mission: Every business uses TRX as a payment method.

- We will reward every business for using TRX with a reward pool.

- We have talked to several businesses that are scared of Cryptocurrency, they become less scared when they are paid to use it, when more businesses use TRX and see how functional it is and how easy it to use it, it will boost other businesses to use them as well

We will give every business full access to our IT department, this includes but not limited to

- Web design
— Full set up of the use of TRX
— Advertising stickers and setups in each location
— Interactive banners for websites that will encourage users
— Rewards for using TRX
— Free business analysis from our team on how to make their business grow.
— State of the art Real Estate technology for businesses that we in the midst of completing.
— Personal review of business model and what the current and future trends are in the area.

Our servers

- Servers will all convert over to bare machines that will be monitored 24/7
— As a back-up we will have cloud services, prepaid and ready to go with a click of a button if needed in an emergency
— Several locations in the United States will have Servers close by to them. The highest population/use of TRX

3. Social media influence



4. Annual community support plan

1) Q & A
2) Rewards Part I (Rewarding Businesses)
3) Rewards Part II (Rewarding TRX users for using TRonstronics reward businesses)
4) Rewards Part III (Referral for finding businesses)
4) Thank you for voting TRX
5) TRX Summer/Winter Camp
6) Team Development

Q: What do we all want?
A: TRX to go higher.
Q: How do we do get TRX to go higher?
A: We get more users for TRX.
Q: How do we get more users?
A: Get businesses involved in using TRX.
Q: how do we get businesses to use TRX?
A: Reward businesses for using TRX.

This is our plan.

Community Plan Rewards Part I

We are VERY excited to roll out our Community Plan. This is what it will take to get more users in everyday life to use TRX. We start by REWARDING people that will help the most. Businesses!!!

Rewarding businesses for using #TRX

These are the ways that we will get businesses to use TRX

-There will be a Reward pool for every company under TronsTronics. Example: 200000 TRX every quarter will be divided out to each company depending on the % of TRX that has been used for purchases. The company with the highest % of TRX used will get the highest % of TRX as a reward. This will encourage each company to have TRX used as payment over credit card companies and cash

- We will set up all marketing for the use of TRX in store and online for each company
— We will give businesses full access to our IT department.
— This includes but not limited to Website designs, business analysis to reach more customers, custom programs to help create more sales using TRX.
— Full access to a State of the art Real Estate marketing company to expand operations.

- We will fully set up TRX as payment for the company

- 24/7 support
— We will reward those companies that HODL TRX after purchases.

- We have a reward program for repeat customers that use TRX on our businesses that are under TRONS TRONICS

Community Plan Rewards Part II

Reward the TRX consumer for using companies that are under TronsTronics reward system.
— A percentage of Rewards will be given out to random TRX users

Community Plan Rewards Part III

Referral Program for individuals finding businesses to use TRX
— If you refer a Business to us and they start to use TRX you will be rewarded
— We will have tier levels for all who send us referrals. the more you send us the more you get rewarded
— There will be a form that will need to be filled out, there will be details on this.

Community Plan Rewards Part IV (Thank you for voting TronsTronics and getting businesses to use TRX)

— We will have 2 Thank you pools for all votes for TronsTronics
— We will take the average number of votes we receive and break it into 2 sections
— Top voters will have a higher pool average

TRX Summer Camp

We want to create more of a following for Tron. This does not stop with summer/winter camps for everyone. We will have fun, informative interactions for teens and as well as adults. Here is our outline of this camp.

Check out https://tronstronics.org for the full details

Development as a team

As the world of IT better every day. So, should our education as a team. Here are some of the ways we will become a better, highly proficient team.

- Education for all team members will be mandatory

- Once a quarter training will be completed. This includes all update and new programs from the world of IT and TRON

- We will be Attending seminars, training sessions.

- Conferences will be attended on the importance of each level of study. If you are a Web developer you will be attending
— Conferences related to Web development.

- If we are lucky we will be able to meet Justin Sun and be educated further by the GREAT TRON Team.

Contests and Giveaways

This will be a wonderful time for all that want to earn free TRX. We will be giving 5% a year away to all that meet our contest rules. More to come after the election

5.List of team members & Pics

-Founder of group
— IT specialist
— Hiring manager
— Business analysis

— IT Developer
— Business consultant
— Rewards Chief Director

— Digital marketing
— Business set up with Tron (TRX)
— First contact for new businesses

All pictures are found @ https://Tronstronics.org

6.Team Introduction


— Founder of TronsTronics
— 27 years of business operations & analysis
— 8 years of IT Development
— Regional manager of over 327 employees.
— Working with every company to expand operations: the internet as well as brick and mortar locations
— Hiring all new talent for TronsTRonics
— An expert on P&Ls, hiring, training/development, worked in and with HR departments.
— Open minded thinking has kept me successful.


— I have 8 years of IT development
— Will be 100% over the Server operations with all backup plans and troubleshooting procedures to be trained to all
— has experience with running businesses and a list long of potential TRX future users.
— Continuing education as a Computer scientist
— Leading IT team for Businesses using TRX under our rewards program. Websites processing data, Business analysis.
— interactions with new team members, training, and development


— Head of Digital marketing.
— Web developer for our reward businesses.
— lead contract advisor for all new businesses using TRX.
— will be developing and working on her skills with all of TRON updates and new main net.


- Twitter.com/tronstronics pin message

8.Meet Up Photos

— Please see our website for meetup information

- https://Tronstronics.org

9. Community promotion


- https://https://www.facebook.com/groups/2000248246713992/

- t.me/tronstronics

- https://www.facebook.com/groups/2000248246713992/

- Talking to everyone that we know about TRON

10.Testable nodes

— IP:

11.Plans for hardware expansion

Bare machine
— minimum of 3 nodes x1.16xlarge 64 core 1T memory 20T SSD storage (EBS) 25G bandwidth) will be set over the U.S
— Double backups of both Cloud servers. Prepaid and always at the fingertips of our IT department
— We are setting up 5 locations in the United States as we will be progressing the output with extra users nationwide.
— 2019: We will expand to multiple countries where we will help with a higher power of full nodes.
— As needed we will be switching from full node in a location to a block making node.
— All plans for security are not listed due to it being a ….. yes, security issue.
— Goals are to help make TRON the safest, fastest and most used in the world with our any glitches.

12.Server location

— Minneapolis, Minnesota
— Future servers include New York, San Francisco, Dallas, last one TBA
— Server locations and maintenance will be monitored 24/7 by TronTronics
— EU and China will host servers as well as in 2019

13.Server types
— minimum requirements for Testing phase
— working into (2) x1.16xlarge 64 core 1T memory 20T SSD storage (EBS) 25G bandwidth)
— (2) 2x.32 x large after the new year

14.Server configuration

- the server configuration after June 26, line (device configuration: x1.32

xlarge 64 core 1T memory 20T SSD storage (EBS) 25G bandwidth).

15.Budget expenses
— The entire budget lines are on our website https://TronsTronics.org

Quarter 3 Budget
— 33% — Servers cost and set ups
— 27% — Business/referral rewards
— 28% — TRX for all that Voted for TronsTronics
— 3% — Scholarships
— 3% — Contests giveaways
— 3% — Education for team/summer camps
— 1% — Legal fees (to ensure we are following all laws)
— 2% — Recruitment

Quarter 4 Budget
— 47% — Business/Voters/Referral Rewards
— 19% — Servers maintained/costs
— 15% — TRX for all that voted for TronsTronics
— 5% — Education for Team and Summer/winter camps
— 5% — Contest/giveaways
— 5% — Scholarships
— 3% — Recruitment
— 1% — Legal fees

