What is the ideal age for a man to get married?

1,150 people have voted

3 min readOct 20, 2017

On the anonymous opinion app, Aop, the following question was answered by people across America; “In your opinion, what is the ideal time in life for a man to get married?” — here is what we learned from 1150 people.

In this day and age people are waiting longer than ever to get married. According to this article published in the New York Times, the median age for marriage has risen from 21 for women and 23 for men in the 1970's to 26 for women and 27 for men in 2009.

The division across the 50 states of the USA from 2013’s annual American Community Survey shows that most weddings occur between ages 26 and 30.

Little surprise there — with Utah leading the way as the State where both men and women marry the youngest (25.9 and 24, respectively), while Vermont has the highest median age among men (32.3) and Massachusetts has the highest among women (29.6).

And is there a difference in the way different genders approach the issue of marriage? A recent research published in ABC news shows there might be:

“The researchers note that most people think it’s men, not women, who are “dragging their feet about marriage,” and they state “our investigation of male attitudes indicates that there is evidence to support this popular view.” The primary reason given by men for taking their sweet time: They can get sex without marriage more easily now than in the past.”

What does America think?

When asked to choose from 4 age groups, 19 -23, 24–28, 29 to 33, 34 or older, 62% of Aop voters picked 24–28 years old for when a man should ideally get married. Despite the fact that the median age for getting married is consistently rising, only 3% of voters thought that the best age for a man to get married is 34 or older.

The most interesting difference came among the different generations. Gen X voters were the most likely to believe that a man should wait until he is 34 — at a full 12%.

In addition, Republicans were more likely to say that men should marry young than Democrats. Those who said a man should get married between the ages of 19–23 was just 8% of Democrats while Republicans doubled that number at 16%.

If you would like to vote anonymously and view real time results, download Aop in the App Store or Google Play Store.

This data was taken from a poll of 1,150 mobile online users across America. You may use this data and content freely if you cite the “Aop App” as your source in any written or audio publication. If you would like access to more data like this please contact our team: info@aopapp.com




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