Piping Hot Take: Slack’s New Logo Is Fine

It’s not a swastika. It doesn’t look like dicks. Deep breath.

Luke Trayser
3 min readJan 18, 2019

Slack has a new logo. Allow me to remind you, for the ELEVENTY BILLIONTH TIME, that you’re a human and you hate change.

Travel back in time with me to August of 2017. A certain blogging platform changed its engagement tool from recommendations to claps. The Internet rioted. This was the single dumbest design change a tech company had ever made. I wrote something about it at the time. Ironically, a lot of people clapped for it.

Now here we are in January 2019, and we’ve learned exactly nothing. We’re irate again. This time, those idiots at Slack had the stupefying audacity to, get this, CHANGE their LOGO. This is the last straw and we’re going back to email and AIM.

LOL not really. Slack remains great. But really, who do they think they are? They think they can just change their logo without consulting us? Quick, let’s all publish our takedowns of the change so they can feel how idiotic they are for having the gall to do something new.



Luke Trayser

ACD and copy guy at Ivor Andrew. Freelance copywriting mercenary. Not my real hair. Get in touch on Twitter or email ltrayser at gmail.