This is the Dumbest Question You Can Ask Your Stressed Out Partner

Dear fellow laid-back idiot,

Luke Trayser
3 min readApr 5, 2018

Check out your wife right now. She sure seems stressed and overwhelmed, doesn’t she? Good heavens, you’re incredibly lucky to be so laid back. Every night, you fall asleep when your head hits the pillow and enjoy 7 hours of dreamless sleep. Not a care in the world. It’s good to be you.

On top of being laid back, you’re also caring and observant. You love your partner, it’s obvious she needs some help, and you want to give that to her.

You’re such a good person. It’s stunning. How do you do it?

You’re walking up to her now. You place your hand on her lower back. She turns and sees your loving, familiar gaze.

And you ask,

“Babe. How can I help?”

Congratulations. You are the dumbest.

To this day, I ask my wife that question on a nearly daily basis. It’s because, like you, I’m the laid-back idiot in the relationship. Is it always a man who falls into this role? No. But the chances are REAL strong.

Probably a year ago, one of my wife’s Cool and Woke City Friends (CWCF) shared an article with her. My wife read it and shared it with me, and now I’m encouraging you to read it as well. It’s excellent.



Luke Trayser

ACD and copy guy at Ivor Andrew. Freelance copywriting mercenary. Not my real hair. Get in touch on Twitter or email ltrayser at gmail.