How to Grow an Audience Online (Without Wasting Your Time)

Truman Writes
3 min readNov 6, 2022


Why Listen to Me?

How can I teach you how to grow an audience online?


I’m doing it myself over on Twitter and gained:

  • 300,000+ impressions
  • 680+ followers
  • Community

I’ve also spent 340+ hours in the last 2 months writing online.

Now, I’m here to teach you how to grow an audience writing online without wasting your time:

3 Tips to Grow an Audience Online (Without Wasting Your Time):

Build a Habit:

I’ll tell you…

Habits and routines are what separate the successful creators and the mediocre ones.

Choose a Time Every Day to Write:

I’m not saying to not write in other times of the day, just to have one time that works every day.

Choose 1 hour where you sit down in deep focus, and write:

  • An article
  • 30 high quality tweets for the week
  • An email newsletter for your audience

Every algorithm favors consistent writers.

If you want to make the most out of your hour outline ahead of time.

Make writing part of your routine.

Need an example:

Every day at 5:50am till 6:50am I write, the night before I outline.

There’s a sneaky trick I use though:

I stack habits to make a routine.

For me, it’s after I get out of the shower I brush my teeth then, sit down to write online.

If you plug the habit into a preexisting routine, it will stick.

I learned that from James Clear (author of Atomic Habits).

Do or think:

Strategies for months or write for months…

Which one do you think brings results?

The Latter.

I used to struggle with analysis paralysis, I’d:

  • Study every piece of content
  • Watch the videos
  • Read the books

What happened?

Nothing. This is because I was stuck thinking about doing instead of doing it.

More specifically:

You have to double down on what works. When someone has a post go viral, they will usually get all excited and do nothing.

What I want you to do:

I want you to study that piece of content and discover why it worked:

  • Who was this directed to?
  • What was the feedback to this post like?
  • Why did my readers decide to keep reading till the end?

Learn from your wins.

You can also learn from your losses, simply study what went wrong.

You will learn by studying failed content than not writing at all.

It is ugly in the beginning, but it gets better as you go.

Cut the Fluff:

I see people today trying to bounce around the information.

They use:

  • Wordy Phrases
  • 5+ sentence Paragraphs
  • Hundreds of words for a simple idea

This isn’t school. Writing online has to be simple and concise. If you don’t tell the reader the information you promised in the headline/ hook they will click off.

If you have trouble writing, simpler:

Use the Hemingway App’s editor… It changed how I write.

Before you go:

I just wrote a valuable article all I ask in return is that you:

Thanks for reading, share below your thoughts on this article.

This was my first post on Medium ;)


— Truman Writes



Truman Writes

1,100 followers on twitter | Now I'm helping you grow an audience online through online writing