Official Announcement: TrustED to Temporarily Postpone the Initial Token Offering (ITO)

TrustED Blockchain Ecosystem
2 min readDec 19, 2018

To the TrustED community,

It’s rather evident that the current bear market within the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry has had a rather significant negative impact on ICO/ITO’s, crypto startups, current crypto projects and overall market sentiment and adoption. Some of the largest crypto currency exchanges are being forced to remove staff, whilst the overall volume and demand for adopting and utilizing crypto projects takes a significant dive. In addition, there contains much uncertainty over the current state of ICO/ITO’s as the SEC begins investing several crypto startups and past ICO/ITO’s.

Despite TrustED gaining traction with private investors in the ITO fundraising campaign, and despite TrustED being fully compliant with all SEC regulations to ensure no regulatory issues arise, the overall bear market and the points mentioned above will cause significant damage to the TrustED project as a whole. This includes expansion, marketing, onboarding user adoption and building a successful community. For the above reasons, TrustED formally wishes to advise the public that the ITO will be postponed for the foreseeable future. We will continue to work on our project behind the scenes and work on further business development with the funds raised initially through equity investments. All crypto related media, campaigns, token discussion, advertisements etc will be temporarily halted until the sentiment within the market changes and the TrustED administration team decides to continue with the crypto related side of the project.

From behalf of the TrustED founders and team, we would like to express our gratitude to the community for their trust in our project as well as the involvement shown by over 5,000 users. Although the above may not be the best news to some, we are confident we will continue developing the project and return to the crypto space in the near future with greater progress and project development to ensure future success.


Kosta Batzavalis — Co Founder and Director of TrustED

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