TrustED presents the platform’s alfa release

TrustED Blockchain Ecosystem
2 min readNov 7, 2018


Students and universities are welcome to test the MVP

2018, November 7th — After many months of development, analysis, feedback, implementation and more development the TrustED team in conjunction with NetObjex Inc is proud to announce the release of our minimal viable product (MVP) which demonstrates how academic credentials such as transcripts, certificates and diplomas can be uploaded and stored digitally on blockchain. The MVP, which is the initial alpha release of the application enables institutions, students/employees and employers/verifiers the ability to sign up under their respected domain and utilize the application to a significant extent, considering the MVP is still in alpha development.

Institutions have the ability to contact TrustED in order to sign up under an official Institution/Certificate Issuing Authority and begin uploading the credentials of their respective students/graduates. In conjunction, they have full ability to invite these students/graduates to sign up and utilize the platform and “claim” the uploaded credentials.

Students/Employees have the ability to sign up publically under the “Employee” domain, and upload their credentials in PDF format onto the platform, utilizing the TrustED application as a cloud storage and sharing mechanism for all their academic credentials. They have the ability to accept/reject any potential viewing requests of their academic credentials, whilst also having the ability to search for other students/employees on the network and request to view their credentials.

Finally, Employers/Verifiers have the ability to sign up and search for Student/Employee credentials on the network and request to view/access them.

The release of the Alpha Stage MVP with substantial function is a significant milestone achieved by the TrustED team, as it enables the team to venture into its Initial Token Offering with a fully reputable working product, whilst also adhering to the roadmap set out publically for the next 2 years.

The Alpha Stage MVP will continue to be developed, as our development team continues on with their scheduled roadmap. Additional features planned to be implemented in the future include the ability to charge for academic credential requests through the native TED Token as well as fiat currencies. The ability for students to request TrustED to verify the credentials they upload themselves onto the platform, whereby an Artifical Inteligence bot under TrustED supervision will contact their corresponding issuing authority, as well as the ability for Universities and Academic Institutions to join the network as Masternodes and stake their TED tokens to receive block rewards.

We encourage all students/employees to sign up on the alpha release MVP and upload their academic credentials securely and privately onto the application. All academic credentials uploaded by the student/employee will be cryptographically secured onto the private NetObjex chain, hence remaining the sole data of the student/employee with further assurance that they full rights and ownership of who can view and or access the uploaded credentials.

The MVP can be viewed at:

