Data-Driven Process, Next Step in Hiring

5 min readJun 1, 2018


Data-Driven Process, Next Step in Hiring

Finding the ideal employee is the major struggle for every HR team. An HR manager has to go through tons of resumes to get the perfect candidate for the role. It’s high time that we need a better recruiting process as agreed by 71% of HR Managers according to a recent study by Research Now and Visier.

Is data-driven recruitment the new and improved process of hiring?? We’ll discuss that later in this blog. First, let’s look at some of the methods that will help improve the hiring campaign.

A Catchy Title

The salary package and the job description is important but what really attracts the eyes of most of the candidates is a good catchy title. Job descriptions with good catchy titles attracted more suitable candidates than other job descriptions.

Career stories are better than job descriptions

Writing an interesting and exciting career story in the job ads rather than a job description and “mandatory” skills will help you gather diverse and stronger candidates who will be passionate to join your team.

Customers are important, so are job candidates.

With so many companies out there and so much competition, one must realize that they have to sell their job role to a viable candidate. A poor candidate experience will not only damage the brand but also hinders the workflow of the entire company.

Data-Driven process

The data that companies store from the previous hiring campaigns can help them a lot in their current campaign. This will not just help them to get a lead on a pool of candidates but also gives them an insight of the recruiting process.

Business results are the top priority

In the end, it is all about the growth and development of the firm and people are hired to contribute to that growth. It is important to keep this mind when designing a job advertisement.

Data-driven recruitment

Nowadays, data is as important to companies as their employees, as this data will help them to improve the quality of recruits in their team. With everything being online there are tons and tons of data on recruitment on the internet. This data can be used in data-driven strategies for an improved hiring process.

Not only it will refine your recruiting process but it will also help in automation of many processes like scheduling an interview date and screening of candidate’s resume, etc. A data-driven approach can do wonders to a hiring process. Some of those enhancements are:

Improved quality of hire and workflow efficiency

With data-driven strategies and right technology one can gain access to track new candidates and connect with them and figure out they are a good candidate or not by analyzing their:

Ø Qualifications

Ø Top talents and skills

Ø Work period in the previous firm.

This way the data and analytics help the company in avoiding any poor candidate hiring which saves both time and money.

Improvement in Candidate experience

Candidate experience is one of the major topics of many HR managers. Not only they face difficulties in improving it but there is no pinpoint solution to it which leads to loss of many strong candidates.

With data-driven recruiting one can easily measure the impact on the candidate’s likelihood on each stage. This analytics will work as an insight into what makes a candidate to withdraw their application.

Viable Job matching

With the data-driven hiring, only the suitable candidates will get the right job ads which match their skills and qualification. This will reduce any mismatching of candidates and job ads which will save lots of time and money. As the keywords of candidate’s skills change, the job ads also change with it.

Adds diversity to pool of candidates

It is really difficult to ensure that you get a diverse group of candidates with the traditional method. The analytics can ease the load by monitoring the candidate’s diversity based on gender, country, age, experience, etc. This will avoid any guesswork and ensures that the hiring process gets the diverse pool of candidates for the team.

Estimate the speed of recruiting

It would be beneficial for both employees and employers if the hiring speed of the candidate for a vacancy is predictable. With the help of workforce analytics, one gains the ability to predict how much time it will take to fill a certain role. This data-driven approach also helps in mining out any hindrance that’s slowing down the process and helps in removing it.

How companies can use data in hiring

We have discussed what improvements and changes will be there when data-driven recruitment is implemented. But before one can reap the benefits of it one has to follow some steps to get it up and running in the recruitment process.

Logging every data on the system

Decisions taken by a data-driven process are only effective if the company logs everything in the system and regularly. Any blanks and irregularities in the logging can lead to an incomplete picture which will result in inaccurate and false decisions.

Automation of communication

When it comes to recruiting process, a personalized email can impact more on candidates than a generalized ad campaign. The system will not only personalize the message and send it to the candidates automatically but also look for any replies from them.

Automation of logging data

Automation will not only save time but will make sure that the logging on the system is periodical. Any internal communication which includes SMS, emails, invites, etc should be logged automatically.

Scoring in every stage

The recruiting process has many stages and all of these stages should have their own scorecards based on the candidate’s answers and on their skills. Not only this, the scorecard should also have in-depth information about the candidate. This will streamline the decision of the recruiter and filters out any interviewer bias. In the end, a candidate should be hired on the bases of the scorecard.

To learn more about how we are revolutionizing the Hiring process, read our Whitepaper

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