How will verified and trusted professional data benefit Job-seekers?

2 min readJun 12, 2018


TrustLogics takes on Advantages of having access to Verified & Trusted data

By verifying your profile data and adhering to TrustLogics standards, you will have the following benefits:

  • Faster hiring process
  • Lower hiring costs
  • Lower risk of losing your PII

Faster hiring process
With the exception of some jobs that have special requirements — such as high security clearances, drug tests, etc. — most employers are required to verify the same basic information for all candidates (e.g. ID, education, work history) before arriving at a hiring decision. If you think about it, this is happening because there is no single software/tool that can store a job seeker’s profile data, store background check information, and have a facility to share that information with intended parties securely.

TrustLogics enables you to do all the aforementioned functions. Thus, TrustLogics drastically reduces hiring cycle times, because employers will have all the relevant profile & background check information in one place during the sourcing phase itself. Not only that, job seekers will now have more time to make personal connections with employers and/or involved recruiters, again resulting in a much faster hiring process.

Lower hiring cost

The reduction in hiring cycle times has a direct consequence in lowering the associated hiring costs. And when you multiply this across an entire industry which involves thousands of employers and hundreds of thousands of jobseekers, the cost savings for employers are huge. Like a snowball effect, eventually these employer cost savings will be transferred to job seekers in the form of quality hires, less spam, etc.

Lower risk of losing your PII
As a job seeker you are required to provide your Personal Identity Information (PII) every time a future employer wants to run a background check on you. In fact, recent trends show that more and more employers are relying on background check reports while making hiring decisions, because they don’t trust what job seekers are saying any more. So, the more often you change jobs, the greater the number of times you need to share your PII, and the more risk you have for identity theft and related data loss.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Just think about it. You have been following the same old repetitive process for hiring until now. It’s time to change. With TrustLogics, you are getting your profile data verified with accredited third-party companies and storing the results on a blockchain solution. You can now minimize the risk of your identity being stolen and confidently share results with intended parties using smart keys.




#TrustLogics is Blockchain for Trusted and Secured professional data