Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Hiring?

4 min readMay 25, 2018


Is AI the future of hiring?

Artificial Intelligence, AI has been a boon for the industry. It has reduced the amount of workload on the employees as well as on employers in many different ways. One of the implementations of it is in HR department. With today’s automated technology it will be much easier to hire and recruit the right candidate without any hassle. As reported by Tractica the revenues from AI is expected to reach $59.8 billion by 2025. AI is one of the hot topics and believe it or not, it is definitely here to stay.

With everything getting automated, recruiters are worried about their roles being taken by bots and AIs. According to various industry experts, recruitment automation will augment and enhance human recruit abilities, rather than replace them completely. Here are some of the use-cases of AI that will change the hiring process.

Optimized Job Postings

The critical part of hiring a talented candidate into your team is posting an attractive job advertisement. Many businesses forget that they have to sell the position to get the right candidate and thus, ignore the importance of an effective job ad.

An AI can be tasked to analyze different job adverts for their content and insights. They can be coded to create a job ad which will attract a qualified yet diverse pool of candidates. AI will keep getting better as it analyzes more job ads, resulting in a polished job posting which will improve even further. A well refined job posting will lead to selection of best candidates that will give businesses a competitive edge.

Better and Faster Resume Screening

Your job postings are up and running, which mean a lot of candidates will reach out and send their resumes to you. But the crucial question is “Are all of these candidates qualified for the role?” Typically a recruiter has to go through tons of resumes spending hours in doing so to get the right candidates for the interview stage.

These time-consuming yet crucial tasks can be done easily and efficiently with AI. They can be tasked to search for elements of language and specific keywords that have previously been used on a successful application. As we discussed above, more data will refine the screening process of the resumes and filter out any unqualified candidate.


Nowadays, chatbots are commonly used to engage website visitors, to answer support questions, etc. When set with the calendar of the interview panel, chatbots can be used to fix an interview date and time which works for everyone according to their available time slot. They can be used to send a booking link immediately to the candidate to schedule interview dates. These dates agreed by the interviewers can be shown to the candidates who can later pick the one which is convenient for them.

Testing and Ranking of Candidates

Interviewers usually ask candidates to complete some task to assess their skills before and during the interview. Some of these tests are conducted through video interviewing technology. AI software can analyze the behavior of the candidate and notify the interviewer for any abnormal activity.

Candidate Database

Many businesses forget about the data they have collected so far after the particular position is filled. What about the other qualified candidates who are not given the position for some reasons? Well, this data will help the company in getting a head start for the next recruitment process. This pool of candidates can be directly contacted if any new position is vacant as the AI will already have the data from them and it can directly schedule a face to face interview.

Automated Pre-Qualification

Real-time feedback can be given to the candidates through chatbots, this will improve the candidate experience. As per the data of a survey by CareerBuilder, 67% of the candidates have the positive impression of a company if they receive consistent updates during the recruitment process.

Automated Interviews

Digitalized interview technologies allow recruiters to take interviews anywhere and anytime. These interviews can be recorded for assessments of the candidate’s speech pattern, words used and facial expression to predict whether they fit for the role or not.

Automation of recruitment will only improve quality hiring but also reduce time to fill a vacancy. It will enable recruiters to become more strategic as their skills in persuasion and candidate engagement become even more important.

TrustLogics is a ‘Patent-Pending’ disruptive technology that forges reliable connections to available candidates in the industry. With the help of decentralized technologies and AI, it enables the professionals to build and manage their professional global profiles, making pre-screening and private networking much easier.

It offers verified profiles by performing various background checks by authorized agents. These profiles are synced automatically and saved on a Blockchain for a secured identity and data management. They have their own messaging system which allows a contact between candidate and recruiter without any disclosure of contact information.

TrustLogics enables its users to build their reputation by verifying their education and other skills assessed by certified validators within the network with the power of Smart Contracts.

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