POV Crypto Episode 19 — Crypto Infighting, Stablecoins, Proof-of-Keys, The Intellectual Dark Web

David and Christian have a casual conversation about current happenings inside of Crypto

David Hoffman
1 min readJan 3, 2019

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David and Christian discuss current on-goings in the world of Cryptocurrency!

  • Bitcoin and Ethereum communities are at each-others throats!

Tuur’s TweetStorm

The Definitive guide to Becoming a Crypto Maximalist

  • Centralized and Decentralized stablecoins
  • The Proof of Keys event


  • Thought-leaders like Jordan Peterson, Sam Harris leave Patreon; Jordan starts tweeting about Bitcoin. Is he on the edge of the Bitcoin rabbithole?


  • 2019 musings!



David Hoffman

Chief of Operations @realtplatform. The Ethereum side of @POVCryptopod. Bringing Ethereum to the world through writing and speaking. Read my medium👇🏼