Reforming the Chronically Diseased High-Capacity Broadband Market

1 min readApr 8, 2016


Below is a statement from COMPETIFY and the Partners for the Cure regarding the FCC proposed action today to reform the chronically diseased high-speed broadband market:

In a blog post today, Chairman Wheeler signaled that relief is finally on its way to the long-suffering market for high-speed, dedicated broadband connections. Based on the largest and most comprehensive data collection ever conducted on this dysfunctional market, the differential diagnosis revealed a disease of monopoly-duopoly control affecting a staggering 97% of markets across the country.

In his move towards the cure today, Chairman Wheeler proposed a comprehensive treatment that will deliver a 21st-century framework to end the scourge of this disease on all sectors of the broadband economy and drive innovations like the Internet of Things and 5G to consumers and businesses across the country. These forward-looking rules will ensure that competition governs the health and sustainability of this critical input, that ensure consumer benefit, technological neutrality, education and health benefits, and a platform for innovation for the future.

COMPETIFY Partners for the Cure include: Ad Hoc Telecommunications Users Committee, Broadband Coalition, BT, Competitive Carriers Association (CCA), Computer & Communications Industry Association (CCIA), Engine, INCOMPAS, Institute for Local Self-Reliance (ILSR), Level 3, Open Technology Institute at New America, Public Knowledge, Schools, Health and Libraries Broadband Coalition (SHLB), and Sprint.




Struggling with broadband access control issues? Competify may be right for you. Side effects include increased #broadband #competition.