Pressing the presidential candidates to explain the dangers of a no-fly/safe zone in Syria

Tulsi Gabbard
1 min readOct 17, 2016


President Obama has long been opposed to implementing a no-fly/safe zone in Syria, saying it would be counterproductive, raising important questions and concerns with such action. Yet our Presidential and Vice-Presidential candidates have said if elected they will impose a no-fly/safe zones in Syria … but none of them have released their plan on how they would implement this, nor have they been pressed to explain the details, risks, or dangers of a no-fly/safe zone in Syria. As we head into the last debate of this Presidential election, share this post with @FoxNews to get Chris Wallace to ask the candidates the following questions in the October 19 debate:

1. Military experts say the first step necessary to implement a safe/no fly zone would be to bomb Russian and Syrian anti-aircraft defense systems, air fields, and air force. Military leaders have stated publicly this would be considered an act of war. Would you authorize the bombing of Russian and Syrian air defense systems and aircraft?

2. Do you believe overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad is so vital to U.S. national interests that it is worth risking war, potentially nuclear war, between the United States and Russia?

These critical questions must be answered by those seeking to be our Commander-in-Chief. This last October 19 debate is our chance to get answers. Let’s call on debate moderator Chris Wallace @FoxNews to hold the presidential nominees accountable for their positions.



Tulsi Gabbard

Soldier. Veteran. Surfer. Member of Congress. Doing my best to be of service.