Thank you, Bernie

Tulsi Gabbard
2 min readJul 26, 2016


Like millions of others, I was drawn to support Bernie Sanders in this election, because I saw in him a caring heart of aloha. I saw a principled man who helped to inspire millions of people to engage in our democratic process who were in search of common-sense, progressive reforms that help working Americans, not just a handful of wealthy billionaires or corporate special interests.

He ran a historic campaign — eschewing the idea that you need a Super PAC to run a powerful campaign, he raised the overwhelming majority of his campaign funds from small donors who gave an average of (if you haven’t heard) $27.

Even though we fell short of winning the presidential primary, I was proud to endorse his campaign and, if given the chance, would gladly do it all over again.

This evening, I have the privilege of delivering the nominating speech for Bernie at the DNC convention in Philadelphia. This is something I am honored to do — not just because I’m being given another chance to speak on behalf of my friend, but because it gives me a chance to honor the hard work that so many of his supporters put into this historic campaign.

Before I take the stage, I would like you to add your name to my online card thanking Bernie Sanders for his presidential campaign. Please feel free to leave a personal message thanking Bernie as I intend to deliver these to his staff this week at the convention.

Add your name to thank Bernie Sanders for everything he has done for this campaign, the Democratic Party, and for working people across this country.

Together, let’s continue this movement by fighting to expand Social Security, repair our broken political system, rebuild our aging infrastructure, end the counterproductive war to overthrow the Syrian government, and ensure the Democratic Party stands with the people of this country, not powerful special interests.


- Tulsi



Tulsi Gabbard

Soldier. Veteran. Surfer. Member of Congress. Doing my best to be of service.