The U.S. government must stop arming terrorists

Tulsi Gabbard
2 min readDec 11, 2016


Here’s a truth that won’t surprise you: it is illegal for Americans to provide money or assistance to al Qaeda, ISIS, or other terrorist groups.

What is shocking however, is that this only applies to United States citizens, not the United States government, which has for years been directly and indirectly supporting terror organizations with money, weapons, and intelligence in a counterproductive attempt to overthrow the Syrian government.

Recent reports from media outlets like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal confirm that rebel groups supported by the U.S. are allied and partnered with al-Qaeda and affiliated groups. When rebels were asked to denounce their alliance with al-Qaeda to allow for a peacefully negotiated cease-fire in Syria, they refused. Al-Qaeda, ISIS and affiliated groups remain the strongest fighting force on the ground trying to overthrow the Syrian government. And the United States is supporting them.

Last week, I introduced new legislation called The Stop Arming Terrorists Act. This legislation will prohibit the federal government from using taxpayer dollars to arm and support groups cooperating with or affiliated with terrorist groups like al-Qaeda and ISIS. It will also prohibit the US government from funneling money and weapons through other countries like Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Qatar, who are directly or indirectly supporting terrorist organizations like ISIS or al Qaeda.

Our nation’s leaders must stop aiding terrorist organizations who are wreaking havoc, destruction, and death at every turn.

This madness must end. We must stop arming terrorists. Add your name to our petition in support of my bill to require our government to abide by the same laws that apply to its’ citizens.

If we work together to create a groundswell of grassroots momentum and support, we can effect change and stop our government from continuing this hypocrisy of assisting the same terror groups we are supposedly trying to defeat.





Tulsi Gabbard

Soldier. Veteran. Surfer. Member of Congress. Doing my best to be of service.