The aloha spirit embraces diversity

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard
2 min readMar 16, 2015


“Wherever I go, I express how proud I am of the people of Hawaiʻi for electing me, a Vaishnava Hindu to represent them in Congress. I’m not proud because of what it says about me, but rather what it says about the people of Hawaiʻi. I make the most of every opportunity I get to tell the world that Hawaii is a place where people live the dream of Martin Luther King — where a person is judged not by the color of their skin, ethnicity, or religion.

But it’s not just the people of Hawai’i of whom I am proud. After my election and my swearing in on Bhagavad-gita, those in the national media, my colleagues in Congress, and regular Americans across the country were not only respectful — they were proud to be Americans. The reason Hindus all across the country have been so supportive of me, is because when they see me, they see the potential for themselves and their sons and daughters.

I recently met a teenage girl who told me that she’d always been embarrassed about being a Hindu — especially amongst her non-Hindu friends. But after learning about my election, seeing my oath of office on the Bhagavad Gita, she no longer felt that way. She said she felt like a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders — that she can confidently pursue whatever goals she wants to in life without feeling she has to hide her religion or who she is.

Many Hindus have not felt they would be truly accepted for who they are, that they would have to change their religion. I have found that many Hindus in America feel that they need to convert to Christianity or take “Christian” names if they or their children are to succeed in this country. My example and my words are very liberating to them, as I share with them and their children: “Every American has the right to run for political office or serve our community in any capacity he or she may choose.”

Of course I know that there are times when the spirit of aloha within each of us is tested. But it is in such situations that we find the opportunity to choose light over darkness and lead the rest of the country toward the respect, love, and compassion that we know as the aloha spirit. I have faith that we as a community will always rise to the occasion, inspired by the aloha in each of our hearts.”



Rep. Tulsi Gabbard

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