2 min readAug 28, 2016


I’m a Cowboy fan in Dallas and what I would say is that, while no one here is making any assumptions about a rookie fourth rounder coming in for game one of his first year and looking like Roger Staubach, everyone is pretty chill about this whole development. We haven’t seen Dak in genuine money situations yet and until we do we don’t know what this dude actually is. But,…. DAMN does he carry himself well.

Any concern I had when Romo went down was almost totally allayed when Dak just sort of sauntered out onto the field and just… started playing ball. He didn’t look nervous. He didn’t look cocky. He just looked down to business. The most encouraging drive he had against Seattle was the one at the end of the first half. Dude needed to get the offense to the line and spike the ball with about ten seconds left and a running clock. Once everyone was in place, he actually took a moment to look up at the clock with about three or four seconds left, then looked the offense over to make sure everyone was set (to avoid the dreaded ten second clock runoff on a procedure call inside two minutes), then, calmly took the snap and spiked the ball to stop the clock and give Dan Bailey a chance to put three on the board. It was a small thing, sure, but also… well beyond his years and experience level from a shear personality standpoint.

The league may end up figuring Dak out and figuring how to shut him down, no doubt. The league figures just about everyone out if they play long enough. But I truly haven’t seen a guy this new with this much PRESENCE in a long, long time.

Whether he turns out to be any good or not, he’s got my attention and he truly seems to have something special about his mental make-up that is eye catching. Plus, he seems to be a genuinely decent dude.

I hope the best for Tony and would love to see him get back and lead this team deep into the playoffs. But, if that doesn’t work out I am calmly excited (???) about watching young #4…

There’s something to this kid.

