A Jewish Perspective on Christmas

Its beginning to look a lot like Hanukkah

1 min readNov 28, 2016

Being Jewish on the most practiced holiday in America is weird. Its weird because I grew up knowing Santa isn’t real and not being able to tell my friends that. It is weird because my house was the only one on the street without Christmas lights. It was weird because on Christmas eve we had our own tradition, Chinese food and going to the movies.

I get a lot of people telling me that Christmas isn’t a religious holiday and because of that anyone can celebrate it. But the reality is that underneath the lights, the wrapping paper and the sparkling trees, the point of Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus and many of the songs that everyone sings have very religious lyrics that are definitely not inclusive to all religions.

All that being said I have an odd perspective when it comes to my knowledge about Santa Claus. I know he is a large white man, with a big white beard and that he gives out presents to good children. I know that I never was one of the kids to sit on Santa’s lap in the mall during the holidays. Thus for this assignment, instead of posting a picture of my perception of Santa Claus, I am going to link a funny post about Jews on Christmas. Enjoy!

