Tusima 2023 Year in Review

6 min readJan 5, 2024

In 2023, Tusima Network reached a significant milestone in its development. Throughout the year, we not only successfully launched the Tusima zkBridge cross-chain communication protocol but also delved into in-depth explorations of zk privacy technology. Simultaneously, we conducted comprehensive data testing on Japanese merchant payment transactions. Significant strides were made in our community marketing initiatives, coupled with fruitful collaborations with our ecosystem partners.

We are thrilled to present our “2023 Year in Review,” encapsulating our relentless drive and groundbreaking achievements.

Product and Technology

Stablecoin Privacy-Preserving Transaction Test

On February 1st, We are pleased to announce that Tusima has supported the testing of privacy-protected transactions for digital stablecoins. Users participating in the testJPY trial can earn 200 points. Supporting stablecoins to realize private-preserving transactions in the Tusima network is of great significance to us! It is an attempt at the external scalability of Tusima’s ecosystem. This means that Tusima can not only realize fast and low-cost private transactions at the financial infrastructure level but also support other external financial protocols to conveniently and seamlessly connect to the Tusima network to realize private transactions. This initiative also lays the foundation for our future endeavors in bringing blockchain finance and real-world business (RWB) together.


Tusima Official Website V2.0 launched

The Tusima official website v2.0 has been launched on February 6th, This update includes a new community contribution leaderboard, All tasks completed on the Tusima Layer2 testnet will be displayed here, and zealy points for community members will be automatically synchronized. We’ve also added a multi-language pack feature and optimized the UI for an enhanced browsing experience.


Tusima zkBridge Testnet Launched

After conducting thorough research, which encompassed zk cross-chain technology, contracts, circuits, and solutions, we successfully deployed the Tusima zkBridge testnet on September 14th. Concurrently, the corresponding contract code has been made open source.

Tusima zkBridge is a one-stop cross-chain solution based on zkSNARKs technology that is trustless and permissionless.

Tusima zkBridge endeavors to establish a trustless and permissionless cross-chain infrastructure that facilitates seamless and secure cross-chain communication. It empowers the streamlined development of comprehensive blockchain applications, including but not limited to omnichain tokens and cross-chain lending.

Tusima zkBridge supports ZK asset transfers and messages.

The asset transfer has been integrated with the following networks:

Goerli → BSC Testnet

Goerli ←> zkSync Testnet

Goerli ←> Polygon zkEVM

Sepolia ←> Scroll

More cross-chain options are under development.


TSMscan Launched

Unlocking Offline Consumer Interactions, Shaping the Future of Payment in Web3! #Tusima

Tusima seamlessly integrate offline consumer payment into the realm of Web3, providing users and merchants with a transparent, tamper-proof, and easily reconcilable on-chain data view. By transforming Web2 payment, we’re rewriting the rules of the game, paving the way for developing practical blockchain finance and Real World Business (RWA). Join us on this exciting journey as we propel blockchain finance to billions of global users.


As a Web3 Layer 2 privacy financial infrastructure, we’re actively promoting the implementation of blockchain financial applications and working closely with Japanese offline payment platforms. This cooperation is progressing smoothly. According to internal test data, the maximum TPS of our system can reach 12,000, and the total payment transaction volume in Japan has surpassed an impressive 200 billion yen ! When it comes to merchants on the platform, our numbers have increased from 4,844 to 698,847, and the number of payment devices increased from 91,772 to 300,196! This a significant milestone.

These remarkable accomplishments stem from our ongoing dedication and advancements. Naturally, we must persist in refining our technology and network to deliver superior services and enhance trading efficiency. This, in turn, will expedite the realization and practical application of blockchain financial scenarios.

Technical Documentation

  • The structure of the technical white paper has been adjusted.


  • The Tusima GitHub branch is being maintained and tidied up.


  • Tusima zkBridge is open source. Check it out on GitHub!


  • The Tusima zkBridge technical documentation has been completed.


Bug Fixes and Optimization Upgrades

  • Some bugs in the Tusima Testnet have been fixed, and the transaction speed has been optimized.
  • The Tusima Testnet faucet contract has been upgraded.
  • The server migration for Tusima Layer2 Testnet(http://testnet.tusima.network) and Tusima zkBridge Testnet(http://bridgetest.tusima.network) has been successfully completed.
  • Ongoing stress performance testing and environmental configuration.

Community and Marketing

Marketing Campaign

In 2023, we collaborated with dozens of partners such as @taskonxyz, @Auth3MetaMirr, @MapProtocol, @TiTiProtocol, @INTOverse_, @denet2022, @CoinWOfficial, @Collab_Land_, @DigiFinex, @CassavaNetwork, and others to host nearly 20 joint events.

We are thrilled to announce the release of TusimaDAO community tasks on Zealy and Galxe, encouraging more people to participate in Tusima’s activities and ecosystem development.

Tusima Zealy Tasks: https://zealy.io/c/tusimanetwork

Tusima Galxe Tasks: https://galxe.com/TusimaNetwork/campaign/GCffaUFJwT

Twitter Space

We invited industry experts from various sectors within the web3 space to delve into topics such as the ETH Shanghai upgrade, gems in the layer2 ecosystem, the development potential of ZK technology, integrating cool Japanese culture into Web 3.0, the future of stablecoins and CBDCs, a retrospective on Black Mountain EDCON2023, on-chain RWA, exploring AI, the potential of Web3 games, and the accessibility and user experience of DeFi. We hosted a total of 13 Twitter Space AMAs, with an average audience of over 1.3k per session and a cumulative audience exceeding 3w+.

Community Growth and Testnet Data

In 2023, Tusima witnessed remarkable growth, evident in the surge of community membership, heightened social media presence, and increased transaction data on the testnet.

Tusima community Growth

  • 60,000+ Discord members
  • 80,000+ Twitter followers
  • 8,000+ Telegram members

Tusima Layer2 Testnet Data

  • 431,000+ Transactions
  • 88,200+ Registered accounts
  • 58,100+ TSBT holders

Tusima zkBridge Testnet Data

  • 111,600+ Georil
  • 4,520+ BSC
  • 91,800+ zkSync
  • 16,220+ Polygon zkEVM
  • 40,200+ Scroll
  • 264,340+ Total Transactions

TSMSCAN Data (Payment transactions in Japan)

  • 698,847+ Merchants users
  • 300,196+ Payment Terminals
  • 93,882,453+ Total Transactions
  • $1,514,774,964+ Total Payment transaction volume

Hackathon & Partnerships

  • And notably, in this year, we are delighted to welcome Mr. Shin Sai, the Special Manager of NTT Docomo Web3, to join Tusima as our Chief Strategy Officer.


  • Tusima had the privilege to participate in the @Afflux_con Demo Day on April 27th! It was an exciting event.
  • Tusima is delighted to be a partner supporting the @Knn3Network ‘Exploring AI in Web3: A Data-Centric Hackathon Challenge’ event.
  • Tusima is pleasured to support the Web3 Meetup hosted by @CsmLabs in Sweden.
  • Tusima is excited to be a partner supporting Web3Wave.
  • Tusima has established strategic partnerships with TypoGraphy AI, @web3vip, @INTOverse_ , and @Dmailofficial.
  • Tusima was thrilled to announce the successful integration with @Scroll_ZKP and Polygon zkEVM.
  • Yoshikatsu Kitano, the Japan Lead of @TusimaNetwork, attended the Web3 Tokyo Summit organized by @teamz_inc.
  • Tusima’s presence at the @IVS_Official 2023 conference is generating significant excitement on-site!
  • Tusima developers attended the RSS International Conference 2023 and Stanford Blockchain Conference.
  • Tusima participated in ETHLondon 2023, organized by @encodeclub and @ETHLDN, with gold sponsorship from @triaslab. @TusimaNetwork delivered an inspiring presentation and offered a generous 5000U prize for the hackathon.

Here’s to 2024!

Thank you for your unwavering support throughout 2023. In 2024, we are poised to focus on expanding the use cases and user base within the Japanese payment sector, unveiling innovative application products that seamlessly integrate Web2.0 and Web3.0 to amplify our impact. We are daringly venturing into bringing real-world business models into the realm of Web3.0, aiming to provide users with a more authentic and convenient business experience. On the zkBridge front, we are strategically collaborating with a diverse range of public chains and projects, working together to build the Tusima web3 ecosystem. Cheers to a year of growth, innovation, and community — let’s make it unforgettable!

