The Next Chapter of the TweetPilot Development

3 min readJun 29, 2015


We’ve spent the last few weeks sat in anticipation for the next iteration of TweetPilot to hit our screens and today was that day. Our developers finally released a new, updated version of TweetPilot for us to have a click around and for a first glimpse at some of the new features they’d implemented (including a suggestion from @JTio).

First impressions? Well they’re pretty good. Of course, we’ve already spotted this and that which needs changing. A font size we’re not happy in one place. A colour that’s not quite right in another. But as an app, TweetPilot is shaping up to become one of the best Twitter marketing apps out there (disclaimer: I am slightly biased).

Advanced Search Functions

The initial way of finding new people to follow on Twitter involved entering in a keyword or a username and that was that. We’ve now added an extensive advanced search feature to the whole of TweetPilot and it looks something like this:

Enter a username and you’ll be presented with all the people that follow that user. Enter a keyword and you’ll discover Twitter users that Tweet about that subject. But below that is where it gets interesting.

Set follower and following limits, set a limit on the number of Tweets they’ve made, set a date limit on when the account was created and even exclude inactive accounts based on 3 elements of their Twitter account.

Looking for Android or iOS Users?

We set up a little page on TweetPilot for people to leave a suggestion about what they’d like to see implemented in the app. @JTio wanted a function that would allow him to narrow down the search results only to those who had Tweeted from an Android or iOS device. The great news is: We’ve done it for you Jason!

Once you’ve searched for Tweets or users you can narrow down the results to only those on particular mobile devices. Just hit the appropriate platform and the results will filter instantly.

More Control Over Unfollowers

Initially, the way we handled unfollowers was a bit… Well it was crap. It simple listed all the people you followed that didn’t follow you back. What that meant was people you’d followed 30secs ago would be listed. Not helpful! We’ve added a few simple filters to the unfollowers page improving the useability of this function hugely.

There’s more of course. But I’m not going to start giving everything away now. Am I?

Is there anything you particularly like the sound of? Something you think could be missing? If there’s anything please do let us know. Just comment below, visit the suggestions page or Tweet to use @TweetPilotHQ.




TweetPilot is Coming Soon! The Latest #TwitterMarketing App Guaranteed to Grow your Twitter Following. Join our Coming Soon List at