I Fought An Insurance Giant And Won

April McCormick
2 min readOct 25, 2016


Six months. Hours and hours on the phone. Countless lies. Sleepless nights. Debilitating fear. Stomach in knots. Rivers of tears… Once I was beaten down, feeling like I had nowhere else to turn for help, I did the one thing I always do for comfort, write. I poured my heart, fears and tears into what would become an article that would ultimately win the war against CareSource, “How Humana + CareSource Destroyed My World With One Word.”

Within three hours of publishing, a, “Very Concerned,” rep from Humana called. (She looked up my name in the database and was able to pull my contact details.) We spoke for 20 minutes about my situation, then I answered questions she and the CareSource team, she was chatting with directly, had.

By 9 AM the next morning, my insurance was reinstated. With a two month credit.

I Won.

Just like that, it was over?

For some reason, I didn’t really feel better.

After six months of countless hours of phone calls and lies, in the end, bad press got their attention?

It wasn’t enough.

During the 24 hours between publishing and having my health insurance reinstated, the article garnered many, many comments and emails from people thanking me for standing up. They too were struggling with Healthcare issues.

So while I won, I didn’t win for anyone else. I didn’t save the other families that are hurting and going through this. While on the phone with CareSource I insisted they acknowledge the mistakes that were made, and let me know how policies would change moving forward. I called out the reps who lied to me and gave the dates and times needed to look up the recorded phone calls. Together we outlined the issues I had, and what needed to be addressed or changed.

In my heart, I know this is not over. It can’t be. I was lucky enough to have a voice that was loud enough to be heard on social media. For the people who don’t have that voice, I want to be that voice. I don’t want any parent to ever feel as low as I felt when I couldn’t provide the necessary healthcare that my child needed.

Oh no, this is not over by a long shot.

If you take anything away from my experience, please, don’t stop fighting for your family. I don’t care if it’s you against one million people, if your child is involved, you will prevail. NEVER give up without a fight.

