Dune Folding Tutorial

4 min readJul 17, 2020


Hi and thank you for your interest in Dune Folding.

First I’d like to thank all that helped me to realize this project.
This project is brought to you by Chris also known as TheRealTwenteMining with help from the Dune Foundation!

Folding@home is a novel distributed computing project for performing complex protein folding calculations. Users download and install software which uses spare computing power from their device (very similar to mining Bitcoin!) to find treatments and cures to real world diseases — including Covid19.

Normally this folding work is not paid for and all computing power is donated free of charge to the folding network. Dune Folding’s mission is to compensate folders by leveraging the staking capacity of Dune-Network.

This tutorial will help you getting started with Folding and receive rewards for it in $DUN!

What do you need?

  • A revealed $DUN Address (If you don’t have one, you can use DuneMetal and request a small deposit from Faucet to activate the account).
  • A computer with a CPU or GPU.

Creating A Folding Team

The first step will be the creation of a Folding Team.
You can do so on the Dune Folding website.

Enter the information the way you see in the image below.

  • Name : Your Dune address
  • Founder: Your “workername”
  • Email: Your email address, note this is not recorded by dunefolding!
  • Password: A decent password.

When you entered all necessary information, you can click the blue “Create” button. A popup will show telling you your team number.

Write down the Team Number, you will need it later.

Installing Folding@Home Client

After we created the team, we have to download the folding client.
You can download this from the following website :


When you finished downloading and installing the software package, we will launch it. It will automaticly open a browser page, that connects to the folding@home client.

Setting up the Folding@Home Client

Select “Set up an identity”
Then click the green “Start Folding” button
In the next screen we can enter our identity.
Enter a name and the Team Number from previous step.

You can also request a “PassKey”
This will allow you to earn bonus points, but is not mandetory.

Now click the green “Save” button.
You will now see that your identity changed to the one you just setup.

Registering for Dune Folding Program

Now that we have setup our team and folding software we are ready to register the identity to the Dune Folding program.

Enter your $DUN address, your folding name and your Team ID Number. After the registration, Dune Folding will track your work credits using the folding@home API.

To check progress enter your address in the bottom field of the website and click the “Get” button.
You will then see the stats for your folding efforts.

A few side notes.

  • It might take a while for credits to accumulate.
  • 1 credit is NOT 1 $DUN.
  • Payouts will be done proportional to the Credits that have been credited.
  • Use at own risk.

