In Greek mythology, Aphrodite was the goddess of love (equivalent to the Roman Venus, Egyptian Goddess Isis, the Phoenician Astarte and the Babylonian Ishtar). She is known as the Daughter of Heaven and Sea, the child of Uranus and Gaia. Her story tells of fertility, love and pleasure. Venus is the goddess of Love and Beauty. She along with her son Cupid (Eros) became a metaphor for sexual love. Venus represents the feminine aspect in all of us. She is the creational Earth Mother. Often seen as the bright, silvery morning or evening star, and is the brightest object in the sky after the sun and the moon. She is said to be either a daughter of Zeus or to have sprung from the foam of the sea. This scroll , comes from the archives of the Vatican, scrolls that bellows , the Venus , mirth syballas , why today we look to Venus , today is a special day, on April 13th, it is a month my birthday, March 13th, also Mitt Romney’s birthday, when in 2012, 7 swing states by none other than Soros Deepthroat smoosh rigged election in 2012, the rigged 2012 inevitable since 94' this , world’s riches Whore, what soros planned in 2016 to close the USA, of course a TRUMP/WALL Street Panic Button push- a last attempt to steal the WORLD’s RICHEST COUNTRY, from the CANinBAL FAKE 3 bRanch shit head black market no good games Oppiod hores . This fake canibal govenrment, is disgusting , well thank god WALL STREET ,INSTALLED TRUMP ! The unsaitable appetite , of eating RUSSIAN fierce authoritarian modera

Twin-c Vanilla Spill
6 min readApr 13, 2018


There are two version of her birth.

In the first version — Hesiod, she was older than Olympians. When the Titan Cronus severed his father’s (Uranus) genitals and flung into the sea, the blood and semen caused foams to gathered and floated across the sea to the island of Cyprus. There Aphrodite rose out of the sea from the foam (hence her name came from the word aphros, which means foams). She had experienced no infancy or childhood. She was grown, young woman. The Clam Shell version.

In the second version by Homer, she was known as the daughter of Zeus and the Oceanid Dione. The Cherubs Version.

She was married to Hephaestus (Vulcan) but had numerous affairs with gods and mortals, the most notorious of these, the goddess’ long affair with Ares (Mars) god of war. She was the mother of Eros (Cupid), Deimus (Fear), Phobus (Panic) and Harmonia, wife of Cadmus. One of her mortal son, was Aeneas, by her lover was Anchises, king of Dardania. Anchises was crippled by thunderbolt from Zeus, when he revealed that he made love to the goddess. She supported the Trojans during the war, not only because Paris awarded the apple to her as the fairest, but that Aeneas also fought with the Trojans. She tried to rescue her son, when Diomedes wounded him. Diomedes also wounded her and drove her off the battlefield.

The Birth Of Venus
Botticelli, Sandro — 1485–86

Her epithets were Acidalia, Anadyomene (born to the sea), Cyprian, Cypris, Cythereia, Eriboea (Periboea), Erycina, Euploios (fair voyage), Paphia (sexual love), Pelagia, and Pontia.

Her favorite haunts were Cyprus and Cythera. Aphrodite favorite animals were the dove, sparrow, swallow, swan and turtle.

She was the unfaithful wife of Hephaestus, the god of fire, and the mother of Eros. Aphrodite surpassed all the other goddesses in beauty, and hence received the prize of beauty from Paris. She likewise had the power of granting beauty and invincible charm to others.

In the vegetable kingdom the myrtle, rose, apple, and poppy, among others, were sacred to Aphrodite, as,in the animal world, were the sparrow, dove, swan, and swallow.

Venus married and bore children but did not stay focused on her home affairs. In fact, she concentrated almost completely on her extramarital affairs. Her many lovers include Aries, the God of War, and the handsome Adonis.

The goddess loved to pamper herself and cultivate her beauty. Her symbol represents the hand-held vanity mirror that Venus used to admire her beauty. Truly, Venus has become the symbol for feminity itself.

Shukra ~ Venus

by Shukra Hindu God of The Venus on Friday, July 9, 2010 at 12:15pm

The planet Venus is known as SUKRA in Vedic astrology. Sukra means “white”, or “bright” in Sanskrit.

Venus is a first rate benefic in Jyotish (predictions). He rules over the two sidereal signs of Taurus and Libra.

Venus is exalted in Pisces and in his fall in the opposite sign of Virgo. Venus is a karaka, or indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex, healing and the saying of mantras.

Sage Parasara says of Venus; “Venus is charming, has a splendors physique, is excellent or great in disposition, has charming eyes, is a poet, is phlegmatic and windy and has curly hair.”

Venus most powerful position is in the 4th House and enjoys the TRIKONAL Houses, 1, 5, and 9. Venus is a particularly beneficial planet for Capricorn and Aquarius Ascendants. Her nature is KAPHA, or watery in disposition.

Her gem is diamond and her metal is copper and silver. Venus’ direction is Southeast and her day is Friday. She reaches full maturity at age 25. In Vedic myth Venus, or Sukra, is known as the Guru, or teacher of the ASURAS, or one of the two camps of the Vedic deities. Sukra therefore is a Brahmin, or the highest priestly order, and is considered the forefather of the Brig lineage of sages from ancient India.

In Vedic myth the Asuras are the demonic aspect of the divine and, like many of the ancient creation myths, are locked in eternal battle with the Devas, the auspicious aspect of the Divine. In one episodic myth the Devas are particularly concerned in their battle with Asuras because Venus knows the mantra of immortality to raise the dead. This of course gave the Asuras an unfair advantage in their battle with the Devas. So Jupiter, or Brihaspati, the guru to the Devas, sends his son Kaca (brightness) to study under Sukra.

Sukra has a beautiful daughter Devayani (way to the gods), and she is quite taken with Kaca. Now, the Asuras know what Kaca is up to, so like all good demons they kill him. Devayani, of course, grieves for him and tells father, so Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca comes back to life. Then the demons kill Kaca again.

Once again Devayani complains, and once again Sukra repeats the mantra and Kaca come back to life. Undeterred, the demons go about killing Kaca and Sukra keeps resurrecting him. So the demons get a particularly demonic idea and this time they kill Kaca and grind him up into a fine powder and put him in Sukra’s wine. Sukra drinks the wine, Devayani begins her grieving, and in response Sukra repeats the mantra, but this time he has a stomachache as Kaca speaks from inside him. At last the demons appear to be happy.

But, they ironically bring about the very thing they were trying to prevent, for Sukra reveals the mantra of immortality to Kaca, so when Kaca tears himself out of Sukra’s body he will repeat the mantra and raise Sukra from the dead. This myth explains why all Brahmins committed to spiritual life are not allowed to drink wine, and one of the epithets of Venus is: the one who “produces stomach problems”.

Sukra bestows long life, wealth, happiness, children, and property and good education. He is the Guru for Asuras. Well learned in Neeti Sastras follower of such sastras and one who dispenses justice, Sukra is considered a beneficial Devata. He blesses the devotees with power to control one’s Indriyas (Sense organs) and enables the devotee to obtain fame and name.

In the Zodiac, he is the Lord of Tula. Sukra takes one year to complete the Zodiac cycle living one month in each Rasi. Fridays are considered to be effective for the worship of Sukra.



Twin-c Vanilla Spill

Im the Win Kid, new white rapper Vanilla Spilla bringing a completely different style of rap/hip hop to the table, it's completely fresh and it's straight fire.