Season 1, Episode 9: “Iced Out”

Twitter’s Elite
26 min readApr 19, 2022


As the episode begins, the sound of lightning is heard as the city of Twitter is shown, overcome by a thunderstorm. The camera pans around the city, showing various locations looking cloudy and gloomy as people walk along the sidewalk with umbrellas in their hands. Then, the camera pans over a house as Sienna is shown preparing tea with her house manager, Lily.

Sienna’s Confessional

Sienna’s Confessional: A break away from everyone was rightfully needed. The last time I saw the girls, I could have gone to jail. I’ve finally decided to reach out to my girl Val and have her come over so we can catch up on everything. Y’all know I can’t go so long without talking to my girl!

As Sienna is shown preparing tea and conversing with Lily, the scene transitions to outside her house as Valentina is shown pulling up in Sienna’s driveway and getting out of her car with her umbrella up.

Valentina’s Confessional

Valentina’s Confessional: Since Vegas, I’ve been thinking long and hard about what went wrong. It’s been a minute and I just got to check on my girl! Maybe we have all been a bit distant lately, maybe to clear our heads, but wow, it’s always better to speak to an actual human being rather than your thoughts. *laughs*

As Valentina’s confessional disappears, the scene transitions back to her walking up Sienna’s steps and knocking on her door.

Sienna: Oh, that must be Val! Lily, could you get that for me?

Lily: *walks to the door opening it* Hello, Valentina. Nice of you to be joining us.

Valentina: Hello, Lily! Thank You!

Sienna: Come on in, Val! I’m in the kitchen.

Valentina: *walks past Lily and walks towards the kitchen* CICIII HEEY

Sienna: Hi Darlingg! Come on in and sit down. I’ve prepared us some tea and snacks, of course.

Valentina: You know I love some tea. *laughs* Chilee, How are you doing?

Sienna: Honestly, I I’ve been okay. I just truly needed a break from all the girls. It was quite baffling how we acted in Las Vegas. I will say though, at least you and I had fun at your red carpet event! I couldn’t just leave without going *laughs*

Sienna’s Confessional: Although I wanted to get the HELL out of Vegas, I couldn’t just leave my girl Val hanging! We were there for her accomplishments, and I was there to support her right on that red carpet.

Valentina: Yea, I was not expecting it to be so… gutter and nasty! I wouldn’t say all of y’all, but rather Jackie… like that was very unusual for her.& Valencia, I must say she definitely doesn’t eat like a lady *laughs*

Sienna: Once again, I apologize for my reaction. I was just so taken back by her behavior and what she was saying.

Valentina: I was taken aback as well when she started lashing out at everybody like a wild ass gorilla.

Valentina’s Confessional: Jackie was COMPLETELY out of control in Vegas. If it wasn’t the attitude, then it was the drinking, and if it wasn’t the drinking, well, it was always the drinking. But you get the gist of it *laughs*.

Valentina: It might hurt to say this, but Melody was very classy and wasn’t acting all raunchy and messy. I enjoyed her company.

Sienna: Melody has actually grown on me as well! Even if they are true, I feel bad that I actually said those things about her husband.

Valentina: Maybe that’s why she was acting up a bit, since that’s something her husband does, but nonetheless, she has been actually really cool! Sad to say, Jackie has lost her fucking mind.

Sienna: She was a beast! I was appalled by her actions and how she was continuously attacked me for no reason. I do feel bad because I know she’s going through a lot, but baby, you have to grow up.

Valentina: Yeah, you cant get mad and just snap like that. She was getting so upset at people trying to comfort her as well. Like, her man was not giving her any sex like, whats going on? *makes a face and sips my drink*

Sienna: Right? She’s worried about things going on here and with other people, but she’s a glass house, honey, and it’s surely shattering.

Valentina: It definitely shattered, and there isn’t much we can do for her other than pray, and it’s a shame it had to come to this. *shakes my head*

Sienna: I just hope she gets the help she needs. It’s sad that she has to attack everyone because she’s mad at the world.

Valentina: And the world doesn’t always work in her favor and she needs to understand that. I get she’s going through things like everybody else, but there are different ways to handle things and that. This is not it. *shakes my head and twirls my straw in my drink*

Valentina’s Confessional: I had absolutely no problems with Jackie, NONE. But, her attacks on the whole group including myself was just ridiculous. I barely get to see my own children and husband, and do you see me complaining and lashing out at people? No, and I definitely can. Jackie just has a lot to learn, which is sad because she’s definitely up there in age.

Sienna: *laughs* She acts as if her and I aren’t the elders in this group, along with Valencia. Did you know she’s 50?

Valentina: Valencia? 50?! I didn’t *laughs* She definitely looks younger, but I did see how she looked when she woke up in Vegas, and her face looked like it was about to explode from the botox.

Sienna: Doesn’t it always? Her left side of her face wasn’t moving when we were arguing. *laughs* Not all surgery is good surgery, honey.

Valentina: *giggles* Her age was definitely showing, but I don’t know why she was age shaming you when you are far more classy than her and act your age. She acts like a child 95% of the time.

Sienna: Exactly! *laughs* it’s nothing I can’t handle. Moving on from that disaster, how have you really been after Vegas? You know, how is the family?

Valentina: I’ve been checking in on them via Facetime and everything, and from what they’ve said, they’ve been fine; I’m ready to go back home to them, honestly *laughs*, and just chill for a while!

Sienna: Awe *makes face* I’m so sorry about that. When do you think you’ll be able to see them? You know, they miss you and they love what you’re doing and wouldn’t want you to stop it.

Valentina: I know, I know, don’t make me tear up girl! *laughs*

Valentina’s Confessional: I miss my family almost every day. The fact that we have to do long distance just to appease my conflicting working schedule always saddens me. Of course, I could always be a housewife, but I’ve always been a working woman and I want to be the perfect example for my daughter so that she can see that women can be bosses too.

Valentina: How have you been? I know things have been a little rocky.

Sienna: Well, things between Brielle and I have been rocky due to me wanting her to take a certain career path and she wanting to take another, but I’m ready to actually talk to her. I miss my daughter so much.

Valentina: Is she completely ignoring you or like what? Because I wouldn’t be able to do it this long without talking to my daughter, you two definitely need to patch it up.

Sienna: You know me, and she’s just like me. *laughs* We have really strong personalities. So we have just not been talking to each other. My husband and son have brokered some conversation between the two of us, but hearing the things she thinks I think of her scares me.

Valentina: Wait, what does she think you think of her?


A Couple Weeks Ago…

Dj: Have you talked to Brielle?

Sienna: DJ, I don’t want to hear it. We were supposed to have a talk and completely blew off the family dinner.

Dj: Well, can you blame her? She feels like you hate her.

Sienna: *eyes widen* What? She said that.

Dj: Mom, she’s scared to be around you because of how you are. She’d rather alienate herself than deal with your being disappointed in her.

Sienna: *lets out a tear* I can never be disappointed in her

Dj: *hugs Sienna* Mom, don’t cry.

Sienna: I never want you guys to feel that way.

Dj: I think you just have to stop being so hard on her. You’ve made your own boss moves in life, and it’s time for her to make hers

Valentina: *eyes widen* Woah? Does she really believe that?

Sienna: I think she does and I have no one to blame but myself *dabs my eye with a tissue* I just want to assure her that my love for her will always be above everything else.

Sienna’s Confessional: I love my kids. I would do anything for them. I think I was so wrapped up in trying not to mimic my father and his parenting skills that I became just like him. I see where Brielle is coming from, and she’s just like her mom, *lets out a laugh and wipes my eyes*, always finding her own way.

Sienna: I need to reach out to her again. This time, I’ll even drive to her school if I have to.

Valentina: Yes, you need to be the bigger person in this situation, and hopefully, you can come to a resolution because it’s something that can definitely be fixed, and you both gave each other enough time to let it cool down.

Sienna: I do. I’m acting like Jackie and Valencia ass *laughs* childish.

Valentina: Valencia is the epitome of childishness, and I’m still surprised she’s older than me. *flips my hair and sips my drink*

Sienna: Sometimes having a botoxed face helps!

Valentina: She’s definitely one of a kind, like I’m glad we got to catch up.

Sienna: Well, girl, you know, I love catching up with you. Will you be attending the lunch I’m planning for all the girls?

Valentina: And will! You know, I’m always there for a good lunch. *laughs* Who’s all coming?

Sienna: Everyone except the belligerent animal.

Valentina: So, no Jackie?

Sienna: Exactly.

Sienna’s Confessional: It’s been awhile since I seen the other ladies and we all need to just catch up. I’m pretty certain nobody wants Jackie in their presence right now so, we’ll just keep her off the invite list.

As Valentina and Sienna continue to converse, the camera begins to pan out of Sienna’s house showing her neighborhood as the scene begins to change. An overview of Twitter is shown as the dark clouds begin to disappear and the sun peaks out from behind with distant thundering in the background. Then, a bar is shown as Melody and Valencia are shown sitting down.

Valencia’s Confessional

Valencia’s Confessional: Vegas was fun until the last night. Last night was nothing short of hell. I wish I could just forget that “trip” but it’s hard when it’s a cloud looming over the group. I’m just glad I can catch up with my girl, Melody.

Melody’s Confessional

Melody’s Confessional: After that last day in Vegas, I need a day with my girl! Jackie can go to hell, but me and Valencia have to catch up. She’s single and I want to hear all about it!

A waitress is shown handing Melody and Valencia drinks as the engage in conversation.

Melody: Girl, I needed a drink.

Valencia: *takes sip* I did too.

Melody: How have you been since Vegas?

Valencia: Lord, I’m just speechless still. Like, what was that?

Melody: It was a mess. A complete mess. I’m so over Jackie and the alcoholic shenanigans. That was too much.

Valencia: It was a lot. I was the only one that wasn’t in her line of fire.

Melody: I mean, it’s only a matter of time. She just feels like she doesn’t have any dirt on you. I’d advise against telling her anything. As you can see, no one is safe from her wrath.

Valencia: What do you mean?

Melody: What do you mean? You didn’t see how she tried to air everyone out? She attacked us all by ruining the trip when we all agreed to be cordial.

Valencia: Yes, I did. It happened so fast. Tell me your side.

Melody: It’s really no sides to it… she was belligerent and drunk and completely made an ass of herself.

Valencia nods

Melody’s Confessional: For Jackie to sit there and continuously bash me when she was supposed to be my “girl” just shows her character and who she really is. The bitch was never real and never a friend.

Melody: Honestly, I had fun with the other girls, which I wasn’t expecting.

Valencia: Yeah, the same. After Cici and I made up, I had an amazing time until dinner.

Melody: I think that was the general idea with everyone. I still can’t believe she actually tried to put her hands on Cici like where was her class. The way she was so ignorant to everyone that was concerned about her and her drinking is just. I don’t even know how to describe it.

Valencia: Yeah, That was crazy.

Melody: I thought we were friends, but after that incident, I see where we stand.

Valencia: Yeah, I mean, even if she did almost put her hands on Cici, which was awful. What Cici said about her husband was just disgusting. She’s not innocent in this.

Melody: And I thought they had moved past that? If it was an issue, why come on the trip? We’ve all said our fair share of bad things about each other.

Valencia’s Confessional: They were both wrong, but Jackie started it and it was worse. We were trying to be nice and take care of Jackie, but she blew up, and then Cici was just trying to stand up for herself. Jackie is 98 percent incorrect, while Cici is 2% incorrect regarding her husband’s remark.

Valencia: *shrugs* I’m just saying.

Melody’s Confessional: I don’t know, Valencia seems scary to me! Why are you trying to play both sides of the fence? The same way I had Valencia’s back with Cici, is the same way she should have mine but it was just crickets on her end. What a friend.

Melody: Anyways, Sienna is planning a brunch. Are you going to attend? I’m dying to hear from the others, so I’ll be there, but just so you know, your homegirl Jackie is not invited.

Valencia: She ain’t my home girl. But I’ll be there. Jackie needs help. Like rehab help.

Melody: That might be too expensive for her, Alcoholics Anonymous is free.

Valencia: *giggles* What I didn’t like is how they were both saying, “Well, you talked more shit about melody like

Melody: Honestly, I don’t care what bitches have to say about me! If it isn’t directed, it’s not respected. And these ladies are dramatists, so I don’t expect much.

Valencia: That’s why you’re my favorite

Melody: Well, act like I am.

Valencia: What?

Melody: Nothing *sips drink*

Valencia’s Confessional: What the hell is that supposed to mean?

As Valencia continues to look puzzled as she tries to read Melody’s face and get a clue of what she meant, the scene changes as we see a black Lamborgini driving through a neighborhood. Then, we see it pulling into a driveway a garage as Jacquelyn gets out with her friend beside her.

Jacquelyn’s House
Jacquelyn B
Jacquelyn’s Confessional

Jacquelyn’s Confessional: Vegas was the worst for me. I’ve had a lot of feelings building up in me and things just finally came out to the surface. Do I regret how I handled things? Maybe a little, but hey, when you drink that liquor, who knows what would happen?

Jacquelyn is shown walking inside with her friend, Danielle, behind her.

Jacquelyn’s Confessional: Danielle is one of my best friends! She’s in town on business and staying with me for the weekend and honestly I feel like she’s here on personal Jackie check up rather than a work situation.

Danielle, Jacquelyn’s friend: So, I’m not going to do the “how are you”. Girl, what the hell has been happening.

Jacquelyn: Where do I begin? So Chile you know I went to Vegas and hunny something came over me and I came for every single bitch.

Danielle: Oh God, how bad?

Jacquelyn: I was tackled by security bad.

Danielle: *Shakes head* Jackie!

Jacquelyn: In my defense, I’d been drinking all day and you know how fake Cici’s ass is, the bitch had been talking shit. My original aggression was directed at her, but things went left and every bitch got it.

Danielle: Cici is NOT your friend, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this but she’ll always have this jealously towards you. She’s not your friend at all!

Jacquelyn: Chile, I know she not. I also came at Melody’s freak ass too.

Danielle: Not Melody! We love Melody.

Jacquelyn: Not anymore sis, that’s a fake ass bitch. She was over there siding with Cici after she was the one who told me she was talking shit!

Danielle: *rolls eyes* You’re lying right now.

Jacquelyn: Nope.

Jacquelyn’s Confessional: Melody was supposed to be one of my good, good friends, but as time went by, her true colors were shown, her allegiance was exposed, and hunny, that loyalty was everywhere but with me.

Jacquelyn: Now Chile, get into this. Tell me why Melody and Cici either fucked each other or got fucked by some random white men.

Danielle: Girl, noooo, oh the streets have gone crazy for this tea *laughs* I thought Mel and Cici were happily married, girl.

Jacquelyn: Chile I did too, but they must not be hunny.

Danielle: That’s really so trashy of them. Isn’t Cici suppose to this person on such a high pedestal and she’s out here being a cougar

Jacquelyn: *giggles* That’s exactly why I threw water on her, she looked very thirsty.

Danielle: *laughs* you threw water on her?

Jacquelyn: Drenched baby, drenched!

Danielle: *laughs* serves that bitch right, when’s the next time you’re seeing them?

Jacquelyn: Well… I don’t know. The only person who’s reached out to me is Valencia. She told me they were doing brunch and I wasn’t invited so whatever.

Jacquelyn Confessional: I’m apparently “iced out” of the group at the moment, but I’d give a flying fat rats’ ass. I know it’s just a ploy so that Cici can get back at me, but I could really care less. I only care about making things right with one person, and that’s Valentina.

Jacquelyn: I do feel bad a for this one girl, Valentina. It was her trip and she’s been a good friend towards me. I hate that I attacked her and directed my energy towards her.

Danielle: Now, we’re admitting some fault. You know, Melody gave me her side of things and that’s why I’m really down here. I want to make sure your okay Jackie. A lot has change within the last few months and I don’t want you to fall down a rabbit hole you can’t get out of.

Jacquelyn: I don’t know if I’m okay. A lot has been going on here Dani and I feel like I have no one in my corner . *bursts into tears*

Danielle: *scoots over and holds you* I’m here, I’m here.

Jacquelyn’s Confessional: This recent year has been rough. I’ve lost my husband and I’m losing my daughter. There’s only so much pain I can endure until I find something, a way to release it and drinking is that outlet. I just wish everything could go back to just a year ago when it was all perfect.

Danielle: Listen to me, You don’t need a bottle to feel good about yourself. You’re Jacquelyn B! Own it and claim it. You’ll get through this rough patch and I’ll be here for as long as that takes. If drinking is a problem, we’ll get it dealt with.

Jacquelyn: *continues crying* I just can’t deal with all this pain anymore.

Danielle: *continues holding Jacquelyn* I know, I know.

As Danielle continues to hold Jacquelyn, she makes a gesture towards the camera crew, asking them to leave them during this moment, which they do. Then, the scene changes as the camera shows various locations in the restaurant district: a pizzeria with people walking out with slices of pizza on a plate, an ice cream parlor where the manager is shown doing a demonstration on how ice cream is made, and a small rooftop cafe where Sienna is shown sitting at a table of four sipping on a mimosa.

Sienna’s Confessional

Sienna’s Confessional: It’s been a nice break away from these girls, but I’m excited to actually see them all and hopefully just figure out where we go from here. I like all the girls, and I just want us all to be able to finally get along.

Valencia: *spots Cici* Hey Cici!

Sienna: Hello, Love, you look fantastic. *stands and hugs*

Valencia’s Confessional

Valencia’s Confessional: I’m so excited about talking to the rest of the ladies. It’s been awhile.

Melody’s Confessional

Melody’s Confessional: I’m ready to get to the tea at this brunch! A lot of shit went down that last day in Vegas, and I’m ready to air it out.

Melody: Hello ladies!

Valencia: *hugs* You, too!I’m hungry. So I hope Melody and Valentina can- Hello there.

Sienna: Hey Mel! Yes, for the body!

Valencia: Hey, Melody. Serving body

Melody: Hi Valencia! Hey Cici! I’m so ready for bottomless mimosas, try to get it right and tight okayyy

Sienna: You know, I’ve got them coming out.

Melody: So are you thinking of bagels or bacon? What are we ordering?

Valencia: *laughs* Bacon

Sienna: I think I’ll be going with the shrimp and grits. *talks to the waitress* Can you do light cheese please?

Melody: That’s right!, I’ll have the spinach omelette with lite tomatoes. *handing the waitress my menu*

Valencia: Can I get the shrimp and grits and then a small omelette with bacon, spinach, and green onions? *Hands menu*

Sienna: That’s sounds so good. *looks at Valencia* Do you have a tapeworm in your stomach? You’ve been just eating, eating, and eating.

Melody’s Confessional: Where is Valentina? At one of those fictional modeling jobs? Haven’t seen a head shot yet?

Valencia: maybe *winks*

Melody: Got something you want to share with Valencia?

Valencia: Not at all *smiles*

Valentina’s Confessional

Valentina’s Confessional: brunch with the ladies sounds like a wonderful idea, especially since it’s been a little while since we’ve been around each other. ki’king with the girls y’know *laughs*

Valentina: *Enters the room* Hello ladies.

Melody: Hey, girl!

Valentina: Hello! *sits down and crosses my legs* I’m running a little late, excuse that.

Sienna: Hey, Val!!!As usual, fashionably late, *gets up and hugs*

Valencia: Hey Valentina.

Melody: We’ve already ordered and had a few drinks! You need to catch up.

Valentina: *stands up and hugs CiCi’s back* Yesss, *sits back down* What did I miss?

Sienna: Girl, all we were talking about was Valencia being a fat ass *laughs*.

Melody: Not much at all!But now that you’re here, let’s get into it.

Valencia: What if I’m pregnant?

Melody’s Confessional: *wide eyes* wait…

Melody: Congratulations?

Sienna: Who would you be pregnant by? *sips mimosa*

Valentina: *laughs briefly and catches herself* oh my god, maybe she’s just extra hungry, as we saw in Vegas.

Valencia: Nobody. I’m just eating more. Anyways, speaking of being pregnant… so Vegas, I didn’t get a chance to bring it up Jackie said someone is pregnant.

Melody: I want to say it was fun up until you know who flew off the handle.

Sienna: Jackie said, “Who got pregnant?”

Valencia: She basically said it was either Melody or you who was engaging in sexual activity.

Melody: Are we taking anything serious while shitface drunk the whole trip? Bye, like she was incoherent half the time.

Sienna: Yes, Melody and I had fun just like everyone else. Jackie’s drunk ass wasn’t even in our hallway, so what did she hear?

Valentina: *nods in agreeance* I thought it was just drunken banter, as it always is, so I didn’t pay it much mind when it was said.

Valencia: She said it came from your hallway…

Melody: Valencia Why are you pushing this? Do you believe her?

Sienna: *turns to look at Valencia* That’s a valid question.

Valencia: No. Can I not ask questions? For god’s sake, you just asked if I was pregnant.

Sienna: It’s more of an interrogation with your questions. It’s like you want us to admit that we did something.

Valencia’s Confessional: Melody and Cici need to lay off. Continue drinking your mimosas and back off.

Sienna: *shrugs and sips* That’s all there is to it.

Valencia: Well, if you didn’t do it, then you shouldn’t get defensive.

Sienna: Well, you know, I’m married *shows ring*.So not only is that disrespectful to me, but to my husband as well.

Valentina’s Confessional: It’s getting a little catty. I’m just going to eat my brunch because a bitch is late and I’m hungry.

Melody: *sips my drink* You are getting a little ahead of yourself right now. I’m sure you don’t actually believe what Jackie was saying.

Valencia: I don’t mean she just completely attacked Cici for trying to help her. She could barely stand up for 2 minutes without falling.

Melody’s Confessional: It’s like Valencia wants us to admit something? Butch, mind your business.

Sienna: I’m glad we all saw that. I did nothing but try to give her some water, and she acted like a complete baboon.

Melody: Exactly, but I’d like to talk about the good times and how we can keep them going, because I hate how we always have drama amongst ourselves.

Valencia: Zip lining was so much fun.

Valentina: It was. I loved Fremont Street.

Melody: And I know some of us haven’t gotten off on the best foot, but I’m willing to try to be friends, and we definitely had a blast together! We need more girl trips.

Sienna: You should have been with us in the desert! It was so fun! I felt like I was on a fast and furious ride.

Valencia: I wish I had put my issues away and just had fun for the first half.

Melody: Yessss! Jackie had y’all shook before she went ape shit.

Valentina: *laughs* A drunken lady driving an ATV was definitely… something! I don’t know how we even agreed to that.

Sienna: Having said that, I adore Melody. I would like to apologize for any vulgar things I may have said out of anger. I want us to just be able to be like Vegas!

Melody: And I can accept it because I know how that is. I’ve said a lot of things out of anger and when I thought I was taking up for my friend when that person is only worried about themselves.

Sienna: I wonder who that friend is* looks at Valencia and quickly looks away*

Valentina: *looks at Valencia and looks back at melody*

Valentina’s Confessional: oop, is that shade Miss Melody? *laughs*

Melody: Let’s not get into that right now *laughs* We’ll talk later *winks*

Valencia: *nods head* Cici, don’t start. *laughs* Don’t start. Valentina How was your business meeting with Cici the first night? I should have asked

Melody: Right! We didn’t get to hear about that.

Valencia: I’m super intrigued

Valentina: It was actually really good. She helped me with a lot of good ideas for future projects and also my event, so it was a success for me. I think when it comes to visions, we have a lot in common, so it was clicking with the executives. They LOVED all of it. *eats my food and sips my drink*

Melody: That’s great! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with.

Valencia: That’s awesome!

Sienna: I loved being there for her. It stinks that you guys missed her red carpet event because of that train-wreck of a woman and everyone flying back. But it was amazing! My girl is on the cover of Vogue!

Valencia: Okay, Valentina…

Melody: So what’s everyone’s thinking about Jackie? I can’t with her.

Sienna: I have no desire to be in her presence at the moment. She needs help and somebody needs to help, but I can’t do that. It’s absolutely too much.

Valentina: YES, it was so exciting & wow, I literally don’t know what’s up with her… That’s not the same Jackie. It’s like she was possessed by some gorilla. She developed a drinking problem.

Melody: The drinking is way out of hand! She’s alienated herself from everyone over a bottle.

Valencia: So I’m going to be real. I told Melody that I felt like you shouldn’t have made that comment about her husband, but I now realized by talking to you guys that Cici said that out of anger, so I totally understand and no matter what, she shouldn’t have attacked you. I have no means of talking to her again. She has a drinking problem. She is always drunk and falling asleep. Something is wrong.

Valentina: I would have probably said worst if a table and drinks and everything came flying at me. It was like a blur. I was not expecting that.

Melody: We’ve all agreed that things were said that we shouldn’t have, but Jackie ruined everyone’s trip with her drinking when we agreed to be cordial and classy.

Sienna: So I’ll be real also. Although I very much appreciate that apology, I would like to know why Valencia didn’t say anything when Jackie was attacking Melody.

Valencia: I tried to take her out of the room.

Melody: *looks at Valencia* Honestly, I’ve always come to your defense and was even ready to fight CiCi with you. No offense! But it seems like when I need you to back me up, you’re on mute.

Valencia: I tried to remove her because my friend shouldn’t hear those things. If Melody felt as if I didn’t have her back, she should come and tell me, not you.

Sienna’s Confessional: Now, Now, I have made amends with all the girls, but I was a bit taken back when Valencia sat there like a church mouse as Jacquelyn proceeded with her accusations. If you guys don’t recall, Melody almost got hoodrat on me over Valencia and I’s problems, so why is she not doing the same?

Valencia: So is this an ambush?

Melody: No, I just think she made a point.

Sienna: An Ambush? I think everyone is just seeing that you kind of sat there like a church mouse instead of defending your girl.

Melody: I consider you my best friend amongst us, but lately I’ve been feeling alone when it’s drama time.

Valencia: Well, that’s what it seems like. That is when I’m going to leave because, Melody, when you and Valentina met, you felt like it was an ambush and you left, so I’m going. If you had a concern, I’d listen to you, not some outside stranger. *gets things together and walks to the bathroom*

Valencia’s Confessional: Cici, I defended your old ass when Jackie almost beat your ass. How dare you even question me?

Valentina’s Confessional: Points were definitely made, Melody was so quick and ready and was ready to pounce on Cici for Valencia, and I think the same energy isn’t reciprocated, but it’s not my business. Do you boo! * shrugs*

Melody’s Confessional: The Truth Ain’t Pretty? Huh?

Sienna: An outside stranger? *looks around* Oh, she’s being theatrical now. I was just saying the obvious.

Valentina: Oh wow, do we really have to act like that?

Melody: I’m not pressing the issue.

Sienna’s Confessional: *yells in confessional playfully* YOU CANNOT HANDLE THE TRUTH!

Valencia: *walks back out* Here is how this is going to be when it comes to that. Valentina and Cici, I’d appreciate it if you two wouldn’t talk while I address this with my close friend.

Valentina: I haven’t said a word. Don’t try to silence me, because now that makes me want to talk.

Sienna: *busts out laughing* Omg… I’m so sorry.

Valentina: Anyways, go ahead.

Sienna: *laughs and sips drink* you’re so demanding.

Valencia: Girl, shut up. Melody, I sincerely apologize for not having your back to the fullest extent I could’ve. I mean that next time, I promise I’ll be 100 percent backing you up and not minding my business. I mean that

Melody: And I apologize that it had to come up here. Last time we talked I didn’t know how to address it and CiCi’s bringing it up just brought it out of me.

Sienna: Valencia, I get you’re trying to save your ass here, but when Jacquelyn was in Melody’s face, which could have resulted in an altercation, you sat there face stuffed like you had never eaten a day in your life.

Valencia: I was dragging Melody back to her room.

Melody: Now come on, cici!We don’t shame someone for eating!

Valencia: I’d zip those lips up before your dentures fall out, girl. You’re one scream away from having to be in a nursing home.

Sienna: I wasn’t trying to be rude by any means, it was just an observation since we were being “real.”

Valentina: Okay, now! We don’t have to go for the blows just because it was her opinion; why are you so hostile to Valenciaaa?

Sienna: You’re being disrespectful, and I have yet to be.

Valencia: *gets up* Melody, once again, I sincerely apologize. I’ll need to speak with you privately to tell you something. Valentina, you look nice. I’m out. You’re not going to shame me for eating.

Sienna: Bye, Girl *waves* you’re too theatrical for me. Just like her friend.

Valentina: Chiii *sips my drink and watches Valencia*

Valencia: You have the theatrics boo-boo, you were in Vegas throwing drinks like a maniac.

Melody: *follows Valencia out* Oop

Sienna: I sure was, and you can be the next boo!

Valencia: Drinks and plates may I add. If you throw something at me, I’ll sue your old ass.

Sienna: Continue walking, love, don’t trip on the step. You might need to sue me. I know it’s dried up over at Yira Manor.

Valencia: I won’t, babe. You shouldn’t be talking so much that you may break a hip. *walks outside*

Sienna: Bye Darling, Please tell Daryl that I said hello. *laughs*

Valentina: Well…

Sienna: So, Val, should we have dessert?

Valentina: *laughs and examines the menu* We will!

As Sienna and Valentina continue to look at the dessert menu and laugh, The camera pans outside showing Valencia sitting in her car.

Melody: Are you okay?

Valencia: No, fuck that wrinkly old ass bitch.

Melody: Honestly, we can never have a calm meal, but I’m glad we got all this out in the open.

Valencia: Hm

Melody: Are you really leaving?

Valencia: Why wouldn’t I be?

Melody: I don’t know. Maybe you wanted to come back in and show you don’t care what they say? I’m sorry, but I’m going to go finish my omelette *walks back in*

Valencia’s Confessional: Even though Melody is being annoying. She’s right.

Valencia is shown getting out of the car and putting on her shades as she walks back into the building, sitting beside Melody in silence.

Sienna: *looks up from menu* Welcome back, welcome back.

Valencia: *waves*

Melody: Okay, let’s just finish on a good note. The food is amazing, the drinks are better and we look good.

Sienna: Like I said before, Valencia I have no problems with you, and I was just stating an observation. If you can’t accept that, then it’s fine with me. No ill will over here.

Valencia: I don’t have an issue with that. It’s the way it came up.

Melody: *Eats my food and sighs* here we go.

Valencia: However, I’m sorry I was disrespecting you just now about your age. I took it to a new low. That was very disrespectful of me. I felt like I had been on the end of some jabs and I was just fed up.

Sienna: I accept it. Let’s just move on and have fun! Now let’s stuff our faces.

Valencia: Girl, I’ve been doing that.

The ladies are shown continuing to eat and laugh as the scene fades to black and the episode ends.

Next Time On… Twitter’s Elite: Melody deals with the struggles of her marriage, Valentina questions her lifestyle and how much of her time she wants to devote to her family and Jacquelyn reaches out to one of the ladies, in hope of reconciliation.



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