3 min readDec 21, 2015

Twizoo’s 84 day ‘digital road trip’ across the States: 12 cities in 12 weeks

Sleep deprivation is the phrase of the day.

And no, it’s not because we’ve been partying hard. But it’s because for the past few months (fuelled by lots of pizza, coffee and more coffee), we’ve been working hard to get Twizoo ready for its biggest ‘digital road trip’ ever.

That’s right. We are bringing Twizoo to 12 cities in 12 weeks! Starting today in Chicago and ending in Miami on March 7th, the new US cities will join London and San Francisco on the Twizoo app.

Some may call this sheer madness. Crazy talk. And yes, we do have a knack for living on the wild side… but this expansion is common sense.

Since March 2014, Twizoo has crunched almost 46 million tweets about restaurants and bars across London and San Francisco. But, millions of diners and sippers around the world are sharing their opinions on Twitter, not just in London and San Francisco. So, what are we waiting for?

Since Twizoo taps into Twitter’s massive feed of real time data, as soon as we “turn on” in a new city, we have access to a huge wealth of opinion, already shared on Twitter, about the best and worst places to eat and drink.

We don’t need to­­ farm reviews. We don’t need to laboriously hand curate the content. We just need to kick our technology and algorithms into action. We’re pretty quick off the mark and it takes us only two seconds to crunch and capture a new tweet. This is a stark contrast to “traditional” reviews sites like Yelp, where reviews can often be months or even years old, written away from the experience. It was time for to get to work so that bringing Twizoo to a new city is a simple as turning on a light switch — instantly flooding our app with accurate recommendations that are real-time, social, and relevant.

And voila, now it’s full speed ahead to total worldwide reviews domination. Twizoo will be launching in a new U.S. city every Monday — from Seattle to New York, and LA to Atlanta, we’ve selected some of the top food and drink cities across the States. We’ll even be ready in time in Las Vegas for the flocks of CES attendees and Austin for SXSW’s festival goers.

But before we get ahead of ourselves, cheers to Chicago. As of today, you can now use Twizoo to tap into the best restaurants based on what real people say on Twitter. No more year-old reviews, just real-time information so you can quickly discover new spots and get on with eating and drinking your way through life.

You can find the full slate of city launches below. Connect with us on Twitter — @TwizooApp — to join the countdown and share fresh recommendations for our newest markets.

We literally could not wait to get Twizoo in more of your hands (what? you say our launch schedule already gave that away?!). Once we’ve caught our breath (and caught-up on sleep!) from this 12 week sprint, tell us — where would you like to see Twizoo go next?

Chicago: 21-Dec

Las Vegas: 28-Dec

Atlanta: 4-Jan

New York: 11-Jan

Boston: 18-Jan

Seattle: 25-Jan

Houston: 1-Feb

Philadelphia: 8-Feb

San Diego: 15-Feb

Austin: 22-Feb

Los Angeles: 29-Feb

Miami: 7-Mar


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