txSync x zkVeggies: Another NFT collection Joins our Gas-Free Revolution

txFusion Team
Published in
3 min readApr 15, 2024

Greetings txCitizens! 👋🏻

We’re leveling up the Gas-free Revolution, and let’s just say the progress is extraordinary 🤩

Today, we are teaming up with zkVeggies, and we’re introducing:

Gas-free transactions on txPortal for all zkVeggies NFT holders! 🎉🚀

Owning a zkVeggies NFT automatically grants you gas-free transactions on txPortal. Amazing, isn’t it?

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Sign into txPortal with your wallet that contains a zkVeggies NFT. You will be met with a friendly pop-up acknowledging your eligibility for gas-free transactions

2. No need to select a fee token, instead you’ll now see a “Gas-free transaction” message confirming your transaction won’t incur any fees 😎

3. For gas-free transactions, you might encounter a slightly different ‘Signature request’ on your wallet. This is a normal part of the process, ensuring the highest level of security for your transactions

4. After that, you’ll see a clear ‘Gas-free transaction’ message instead of a total fee. This once again confirms your fee-free experience as a holder.

5. After confirming details in Metamask (which might involve a different signing request due to the paymaster feature), your gas-free transaction is complete!

You’re now officially part of the gas fRee Revolution! 🔥

The Future is Gas-Free 🚀

This collaboration between txSync and zkVeggies, powered by txTsuko, is a game-changer for NFT ownership. By removing the barrier of gas fees, we’re empowering users to experience the full potential of their digital assets.

Imagine a world where you can seamlessly trade, transfer, and interact with your NFTs without worrying about hidden costs. That’s the future we’re building, together🔥

Join the Gas-Free Revolution

Gas-free transactions are here, and they’re here to stay. Head over to txPortal now and experience the magic for yourself!

Stay connected with us on X and Discord to stay ahead of the curve as we continue to unlock new possibilities for the NFT space. 😉

Ready to push the boundaries of your NFT? Then we’d love to collaborate! Fill out our inquiry form and let’s chat.

*This article is also published on txFusion blog.

