5 min readDec 18, 2019

2020 Roadmap Updates & 2019 Recap

Dear Tycoon Community!

First of all we would like to thank you for following our initiatives over the recent months. We really feel blessed having such a great and fast expanding Community. Most of all, you are truly amazing. As we are stressing the importance not merely to deliver on our promises and expectations, we also would like to make a few changes in our strategy with immediate effects. We are very excited to share the latest updates with you.

Let‘s start with some important points from 2019, with a focus on key events and milestones the team has achieved.


Our close cooperation with Bybit during our Trading Competition allows us to communicate directly with their developer team which has a positive impact on our platform development.

Our first Tycoon Charity Event took place on October 27th. Please read more here: http://bit.ly/2EgLGO5

The Whitepaper is now available in english and translations are already done in order to cover our targeted high growth regions as Spain, France, Arabia, Poland, Ukraine, Indonesia, Vietnam, Korea. Additionally we will add more languages if necessary or desired by the community.

Our second Developer Hackathon has been completed in August to plan all the updates for the platform coming in the first half of 2020. If you did not know, our first Hackathon already took place in 2018. By now you maybe realize how Tycoon is distinguished from the many pop up projects that the crypto space has seen recently. We have already put years of work into this and we are not stopping. We aim to set the bar higher for the entire market.

We signed an exclusive partnership with 24Signals Ltd from Malta. Their community of over 10.000 people are well known as “Dreamchasers”, instantly enabled us to grow our community in Europe. Together we held two successful private sale rounds which were both sold out pretty fast. This early success clearly proves the market is in need of a solution like Tycoon.

Our proprietary developed trading competition software as part of our solution offering has already been completed in 2019 with the first trading competition successfully launched. Again, this sets us apart from almost any project that does not put their own resources into development until certain funds are raised. As already stated, we have set different standards, our goal is to set the bar higher for the entire market, and we mean every word of it.

We successfully finished our first trading competition with our own developed software solution for tracking trading results fully automatically on any exchange we decide to. We don’t know about you but we were extremely happy to launch a trading competition like this which was never done before by anybody! Again, this sets us apart from almost any project that does not put their own resources into development until certain funds are raised. We had over 300 participants all around the world and the winners will be contacted and awarded in the upcoming days. Congratulations to all the winners! Stay tuned, this was not the last one ;)

Our Team grew by over 300% in less than one year, focusing on selecting top tier contributors. We hit 20k community followers in a few weeks. We could have not done this without you and want to express our gratitude.

Thank you!

All previous investors have secured the Tycoon Token at a very good price and were thus able to avoid price losses during the recent corrections and we intend to keep it that way. Therefore we need to make some adjustments with regards to the timing of the launch to ensure we are able to protect our investors assets and meet all technical expectations at the same time.

So far we consider our first year as a strong success, and we do not intend to slow down. We’re just getting started!

There is one more thing to be done in 2019…

Our smart contract is ready and already audited from a third party with no bugs or flaws found. So we are happy to announce that our Tycoon token will be released to test net in the upcoming days! Main net launch will follow after testing the test net, expect this to happen around New year. By that we ensure a seamless experience on the launch date.

By now you probably will have realized that we did not leave anything to chance. And we intent to keep the same pace and dedication moving forward. So let’s talk about what is about to happen next.

Here are the key roadmap plans for 2020

There will be two releases in Q1. First we will let experienced traders pre-register to get a Top Spot on the platform by release. Subsequently, the Tycoon platform will go live globally.

In early Q1 we are going live with a public demo version for pre-registered users. After successfully testing the functionalities in demo version within Q1 the final Tycoon platform launch will take place and go live globally!

We are excited and we hope you are thrilled too.

We want to plan the crowdsale around the launch of the demo platform so investors have a short time frame from investing to listing. Also this gives confidence as there is a real product and use case. This ensures that our early investors and crowdsale participants are in the best position to realize a strong return of investment. So stay tuned for your opportunity!

We will launch some new marketing incentives to elaborate a selection of top tier traders for the platform release.

There are commercial and technical reasons to plan the Launch of the platform in Q1 2020. Early investors (in the two private rounds) joined Tycoon when BTC was around $10k. Now that it’s currently $6.4k as of today‘s announcement (18.12.2019) our investors avoided approximately a 36% loss. It has been and always will be our highest priority to protect and grow the investment value of our investors. The market is not only volatile, the sentiment shifted to the downside and our top tier traders expect the current correction to extend into Q1/2020 before the trend most likely reverses back to the upside.

We will do our best to time the go to market in confluence of the market conditions to achieve the best possible risk-reward ratio for our Users. We need to avoid at all costs to endanger the token price to decline or put our Users at avoidable risk. On top of the market situation, we are currently also refining some technical aspects, less regarding our internal development rather the API integration of the Exchanges due to documentation which is not perfectly prepared for our innovative use case. We think that’s what innovation brings along and we already found a working solution.

We will continue to thrive to deliver on our timeline, you can hold us accountable to meet the updated timeline. The whole Tycoon team is excited for everything that will be happening in 2020. We will share new announcements with you when further milestones are met. So stay tuned the following weeks. We‘re almost there, looking forward to celebrate the launch with you. Until then we have exciting things coming up.

We have an ongoing “Ask me anything” on all our social media channels. So visit our channels and ask us anything. We want to hear from you and we will take your feedback seriously.

Thank you so much for your support.

We are building something transformational.

Let‘s prosper together.


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