Don’t have time to trade? Lack of the required capacity? No Problem
2 min readOct 17, 2019


The cryptocurrency market offers a limitless variety of opportunities for people to make money. Unsurprisingly, traders, entrepreneurs, and investors keep trooping into the market to exploit these arrays of opportunities that the cryptocurrency market provides.
However, it is just as easy to lose money in the crypto market, as it is to gain it. People who often lose money are those who lack the required capacity to read charts, make extensive research, study the market swings and so on. Some people can do all of these things and are still losing money in the market simply because they do not have the time to sit down properly for the necessary research. Therefore, these people invest in tokens/coins with half-baked knowledge and then FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) a lot.

Tycoon is here for you

Yes, having extensive knowledge about crypto is great, but you can make money and manage your portfolio without it. That is why we created Tycoon. A platform that enables you to make financial trading decisions based on other skilled/pro traders. With just one click, you can copy the strategy of a successful trader that you like, start following and copy his/her trades.

Maximum Transparency

As professional traders ourselves, we know the importance of transparency in crypto-space. If there is transparency, people can make better decisions and follow traders that best suit them. Therefore, in contrast to available solutions on the market, Tycoon will only publish strategies that are implemented by the respective trader in their portfolio. The platform recognizes and processes all trades in real-time. This feature will help ensure maximum transparency concerning past trading results of the traders on Tycoon. As such, users will be able to make better and smarter decisions on which trader to follow and copy their strategies. Our goal is to ensure a bulletproof foundation for successful cryptocurrency trading.

Therefore, you no longer have to worry that you will lose money in the cryptocurrency market because you do not have the required capacity or the time is often against you to make necessary research. Tycoon is here for you.

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