Tycoon – Learn from the Best

2 min readNov 16, 2019


Do not let anyone deceive you! No one was born being a great investor - or do you know anyone? Most investors and professional traders making steady profits today did not start that way. They had lost a lot of money before they got where they are today. Expert traders are the people with a lot of experience, exceptional awareness, self-control and a little luck here and there.

The general belief is that you have to lose some to learn how to make some. That is one way to look at it, but there is another way where you do not have to lose money before you start making profits.

This is where social trading platforms come in – Just like social networks but for traders, where you can connect with other traders, copy their actions, share strategies, make informed decisions and learn faster than you would on your own.

There are many social trading platforms in crypto-space, but only one of them was created and developed by professional traders with years of experience - Tycoon.

Tycoon is the only social trading platform that ticks all the boxes professional traders are looking for in terms of necessary features and benefits that are lacking in other platforms. Tycoon is perfect for everyone in crypto – professionals and expert traders, seasoned investors, and beginners.

As a beginner in crypto, Tycoon is an avenue to learn from the best and make impeccable decisions in your crypto trading and investment journey. Tycoon was created to ensure that beginners do not have to go through the process of burning portfolio via some expensive trial and error that may amount to nothing later on.

On Tycoon, the best in the business are always available, hence, you can ask questions, copy their strategies that you like, share and discuss analyses and predictions while building your experience and becoming expert in the process.

Tycoon makes it possible for beginners to build their portfolio by copying expert strategies. In addition to making steady profits without much effort, beginners on Tycoon will eventually become the best by watching, following and learning from the best.

Do not forget to prove your skills as a trader to build your profile and attract the first followers on the Tycoon platform in the ongoing Trading Competition and win your share of the $20,000 prize pool!

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