TYCOON UPDATE — We are nearly there

2 min readMar 12, 2020

Dear Community!

We are super excited to share with you some breathtaking news. Not only is our Crowdsale approaching, but also our platform is getting ready to launch. We sincerely hope you share our enthusiasm.

Our timing could not have been better as the Crypto market shows strong signs of recovery. We have tons of news to share with you.

We aim to differentiate from the average token project, not only due to big promises. Rather we like to under promise and over deliver. Therefore, our platform will be launched during the token sale. This means you will be able to test the product and to invest in to something which is already working!

More about the platform and the "First exclusive rollout" will be shared in a separate message.

Tycoon is your chance to be part of the token evolution from the beginning.

The growth potential of the token is enormous. Just like you, there are millions of users that are tired to end up at the wrong side of the trade.

You are as excited as we are? Hold on to your horses. There is more.

Tycoon is not a classical whitepaper project. In most projects you will find fascinating things but it is unclear how the project is going to address technical challenges!

If you have read previous newsletters and our Medium articles (Medium.com/@Tycoon.io) then you probably already know what is coming next.

At this early stage we have already secured dozens of successful traders that emerged in our trading competition. For all Traders out there, you will soon get the opportunity, to be one of the first exclusive Traders on Tycoon. This will result in huge benefits when the platform goes live.

This only the beginning. Stay tuned!

Crowdsale is just around the corner

Register now to be the first who will be notified.


Our Vision is to change the game in the crypto trading world and we firmly believe if that vision becomes a reality it will mean the biggest wealth transfer the world has seen to date.

We mean every word when we say: “Let us prosper together.”

Find below Links that can help you find all Information you need about Tycoon.

Do not miss out on our recent blogs and get acquainted with secret trading knowledge and join the Tycoon Community.

Tycoon Team

Visit our website: https://tycoon.io/

Chat with us on Telegram: https://t.me/Tycoon_Official




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