3 min readSep 22, 2019

Understanding Tycoon - Follower’s Benefits

Virtually everyone that comes into crypto does so intending to make profits. However, not everyone has the time or resources to make complex research or data analysis about the market situation. The ones that have the time usually do not know where to start because they are new to the market. People like this often look for a way to invest in cryptocurrency as successful as possible without much effort.

Followers on Tycoon are the investors who either lack the time to make their studies about the market or are new to trading. Using Tycoon as a follower is easy, just log on to the platform to find a suitable trader based on your preferences and copy such trader’s strategies.

Follower’s Benefits

We designed Tycoon to meet the need and requirements of all users, whether they are followers, Pro Traders, or Demo users. Our mission is to help you build your portfolio and enjoy all the benefits that the biggest exchanges have to offer in one place. Therefore, as a follower, the benefits you will have access to on the platform include;

Optimum Support in Selection of Traders

For followers to obtain an overview of traders on Tycoon, they are classified into several categories as seen in the table below. Certain requirements must be met before traders can progress to a higher level. Check the table below for the characteristics of each category.
Aside from this, additional data like return, number of trades per week, number of posts, number of followers. Risk management and risk level are presented for the follower in an organized structure. Using a filter, such a follower can search and select his/her favorites among the traders.

Flexibility in Following

Traders on Tycoon are just a single click away from being followed. Once a follower has selected a trader that suits his/her need, then it is just a click away to that trader. There is provision to follow the trader for four weeks, and if the follower is satisfied until the four weeks elapse, the subscription will be extended by another four weeks. The follower can stop following the trader at any time if he/she is not thrilled with the results.

Stop-loss Feature

This measure is put in place to protect our users from catastrophic losses. The stop-loss feature function represents a further safety aspect that stops the following of a trader as soon as the set capital falls below a value determined by the follower. The algorithm calculates the total value of the allocated capital including all trades still open. If the value falls below this limit, all open orders are canceled and the entire trading volume of the follower is exchanged back into the base currency. The stop-loss feature is easy-to-use and can be set individually for each trader.

Join our platform; explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies and let our professional traders take care of your portfolio.

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Explore an ever-expanding variety of cryptocurrencies and automatically copy the underlying assets from professional Traders in our community 🌐tycoon.io