Tykari White
4 min readJun 29, 2017

Why i like RaidCall and why i stay with it.

Hello everyone,

This is my first time making a medium post so bare with me. Now I will be stating the reasons I've stayed on RaidCall for the past 4–5 years despite the many obstacles and whats to come.

First I’m going to start with the background when i joined and why. So when i joined RaidCall it was because i was in a clan that used RaidCall to talk to each other. Which i joined RaidCall around 2014 which was a little after RaidCall started. So alot of the reasons I liked RaidCall was first it was required for my clan, it was free, and i was able to do different things like earn badges, play music, and the best part was it was international so I was interacting with different users from around the globe and with every group there was a different culture. Eventually the clan that bought me to RaidCall disbanded but i stayed and while I stayed on RaidCall I met some really good people that i can call besties. And after I was in a recommended group called Music Power. I told my self you know what Tykari (myself) I think its time that we help other users in RaidCall. Which Began my journey to RaidCall International Support. And I started out as a Trial Supporter and became a regular supporter and worked for about 1000 hours. Then I left and me and my friend decided we would start a group which was first called Life=Music (yea i know corny huh?) after we established our selves we went through a couple of name changes. From CrushZone to Sync Esports to now its named Felspire. After we was on recommended and had a short id. Me and him would help the RaidCall Official who helped run RC INT. We helped with different Tasks. Then came the bad part INT and BR Versions of RaidCall shutdown. But later on came back ran by RaidCall RU (its going great too.)

Now Comes the next part which is leading up to present day. RaidCall Game which was called RaidCall Gamebox at the time. Was recruiting people to help out in the Eng/INT section. So me and by bestie decided we would join. So after a while me and him would be there for hours on days. I left at one point as i had to focus on School. And my friend became the admin in RCG english section. (ran and still runs it great). I came back and said no special treatment I want to work my way up the chain. So i started out as a Trial mod then i moved up to regular moderator / supporter. I even got up to Co-head support. Then i had to leave again due to school. (yea school was a pain). But when i came back I got my position back. and a little while i got promoted to Head Supporter. Which was a huge milestone for me as I never thought i would become a Head supporter. And after a while my friend left due to unforeseen incidents in the family. So I ended up getting promoted to the english admin of the English section in RaidCall Game. ( I cried a little cause i never thought it would happen). And i started helping the staff members with different task making posts etc. Playing the games so i could help the users. He finally came back so I said i’ll just be the Co-admin (still am) and he would be the Head admin so he would have the final say in everything. Which brings us back to current day. With the Release of the RaidCall International app which as of writing this is out now on the Play store and App store (links below). We needed new community Staff so after conversations I ended up as the Community Coordinator. ( was shooting for Community Manager but it is what it is) And i’m sure alot of people are wondering did you tear up when you became it. The answer is yes. I did tear up. But i figured as the Community Coordinator i could make RaidCall a better place for everyone. So everyone can hop on and talk sing. Not only that RaidCall also released a Karaoke App called Doremi Which is where you can choose from selection of songs and sing compete have fun in public rooms. And the best part is its linked to your RaidCall Account (link below). So despite obstacles I stayed on RaidCall because i feel in love with it and its apps. I already fell in love with the apps.

*Raidcall can be used on Android,IOS, And Any computer running Windows

*Doremi only has IOS and Android Apps

RaidCall Links:

PC: Raidcall.com

Android: Play Store

IOS: App Store

Doremi Links:

Android: Play Store

IOS: App Store

Disclaimer: Everything in this article was my own views.