A Google Map showing the 150 friends, clients, classmates and mentors I reached out to in January 2016

Lines of Connection

How many people are connected to you? How many people, in various ways, support you?

Thomas Jockin


I was wondering this myself. So, I did a small project at the start of 2016. Below is the process. I invite you try it yourself.

Step One

Email, text, or call every person you interacted with in the last year. In this message, say how you want to thank them for being in your life. Ask what is their favorite word is.

Step Two

Make a spreadsheet of every Favorite Word, Name, Address, etc.

Step Three

Print out a card with their favorite word, with a personal note of appreciation to each person. Mail it out.

Step Four

Load your spreadsheet into Google Maps. See the connections you have in the world. It’s easy to forget how many people you have in your life. Whenever you feel down or alone or you’re not good enough, open up this map.

Details of the Google Map containing the mailing addresses of all my connections.

It’s helped me immensely, I hope it helps you too.

Friends, colleagues, and clients took photos of their card set in my upcoming typeface family expansion, Azote Grade XXX.

Thank you for your time. If you go ahead and perform this project, share your results with the tag #LinesofConnection

If you’d like to use Azote Grade XXX for the project,
email me at thomas@thomajockin.com and I’ll send you a free beta.

Coming in 2016: Azote Grade XXX • Azote Grade XX • Azote Grade X
Sign up for the Azote mailing list



Thomas Jockin

Fellow at Halkyon Thinkers Guild. Interested in the Beautiful.