UDAP ‘Layer Two’ Structure and Full Solutions

2 min readNov 23, 2018


UDAP, a blockchain abstraction layer that can significantly reduce the cost of building applications, hides the complexity of developing smart contracts beneath a RESTful API.

UDAP provides an on-demand deployment mechanism for a standardized set of smart contract templates, named Singular, which is used for tokenizing application assets. More importantly, UDAP provides State Channels for applications to build a contracting mechanism in the business logic design, which can achieve the efficiency that is typical in centralized architectures. On the user experience front, UDAP has designed a new Asset wallet that can manage assets both on blockchains and in application state channels. To demonstrate the technical capabilities of UDAP, we have also built an application named UMedia. UMedia serves as a marketplace for collectible music and other forms of digital media assets.

NO.1 Protocol — Singular

Singular is a new asset account model, it defines how a thing is tokenized and how it deals with ownership and tradings in a decentralized way. The Singular asset model implements a concept:

One thing = One smart contract

The Singular project is a natural development in the spirit of some of the earlier blockchain proponents who had envisioned what blockchain with smart contracts would achieve.

NO.2 Middleware — UDAP

The fundamental concept of the Internet of Asset Protocol is to build a “Thick Protocol + Thin Application”.

Application developers only need to have sufficient knowledge and understand their business logic and user experience, Therefore, the application is thinner and easier. A thick protocol based on UDAP middleware helps them to accelerate the blockchain development, to secure the transactions, and to reduce the development costs.

NO.3 Asset Wallet

Harvest Wallet is an Asset Wallet that supports ERC20, ERC721 and Singular types tokens. It provides individual users with great convenience and a unified interface to tokenize, manage and publish their own tokens, various fungible and non-fungible assets, and third-party applications can plug-in the wallet too.

NO.4 Applications

It’s so easy to make a Dapp by UDAP. Developers can use UDAP’s middleware to transfer their normal business into token-based business just like UMedia does. More different Dapp coming powered by UDAP, such as Ticketing, Social, Education, Gaming, Health, Supply Chain Finance, Data Center, Technical Community, Travel, E-Commerce, Library and so on.

Please refer to our website for more details. https://www.udap.io

And UDAP Bounty Campaign is Live Now!! For more info regarding the Bounty Campaign please check the details here:





Universal Ðecentralized Asset Platform — a Blockchain Middleware for Tokenizing Everything.