Digital Marketing Tools You Need to Know
4 min readJun 10, 2019


There are lots of words and terms being thrown around these days within digital marketing campaigns that tend to elicit confusion and uncertainty. The industry has created a seemingly new language, including phrases like: “Keyword density”, “Algorithm”, “Backlinks”, “Conversion Rate Optimization”, and more. These resources matter for your business, and they’re a lot easier to understand than you might think. Here’s a breakdown of the most important Digital Marketing tools and the vocabulary included in them.

Top Digital Marketing Tools

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

When consumers explore the web using search engines, such as Google or Yahoo, you want your business / product to result at the top, organically. This means utilizing search engine algorithms, instead of pay-per-click advertising. Reaching the top of a search page doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time to solidify trust with your audience, with search engines, and among other brands, so don’t be discouraged if you aren’t seeing immediate results. Dive deeper into this important digital marketing tool with’s Marketing Guru!

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

This is similar to SEO, but is based on paid efforts- instead of organic- to increase traffic towards your website. Along with your displayed advertisement at the top of a Google search page, paid ads include those through social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedin. Make sure to look over the budget when considering PPC, advertisers are charged a fee each time the ad is clicked!

Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Utilizing social media to your benefit is a great way to take advantage of platforms that already hold powerful authority. Whether it is paid or organic, actively engaging with your audience through instagram photo and video updates, tweets, and facebook ads is a great digital marketing tool to raise awareness and create an identity around your brand.

Remember to be consistent and update content periodically to keep your viewers interested.

Influencer Marketing

A cross between old and new, influencer marketing combines social media, fame, and endorsement into collaborations between brands and people. Using platforms such as Instagram, brands seek out accounts with a large follower base and an established reputation, then request for them to market a product or service. Large followings allow for influencers and brands to reach millions of people in one post, and product endorsements sell out within hours.

@calsnape Instagram

Content Marketing

Building a successful brand is more than just providing a product or service, it is about creating a community focused around shared beliefs and interests. Providing quality content to your audience is one of the most important digital marketing tools because it factors into your brand identity and, therefore, your consumer identity. Know your audience, so you can understand their interests. There are endless ways to provide content, but some of the most common include: How-to’s, Infographics, Blog Posts, Vlogs, Podcasts, Photos, Interviews, Ebooks, Company News Reports, and Giveaways.

Need help understanding your audience?’s CEO provides the best way to use analytics to your advantage!

Video Marketing

A recent study found that 57% of online consumers were more likely to buy a product that included a video demonstration. Also, video greatly increases search engine rankings, click-through rates, and conversions. Humans tend to be visual learners, so videos are often preferred over written text. And since YouTube is owned by Google, an effective video works wonders for the Google algorithm. Get filming!

Email Marketing

That little button you see on every website, telling you to “subscribe now” is a very effective email marketing tool. This digital marketing tool includes sending emails to prospects and converting them into loyal customers. 91% of consumers check their email on a daily basis, more so than any other communication channel, so get sending!

The world of marketing is being transferred online and digital marketing continues to become more prominent for every industry. Utilizing digital marketing tools can help to enhance your consumer experience and improve every aspect of your brand. Don’t wait, start today!



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