How Invests In Company Culture
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

-- is known for our emphasis on cultivating an outstanding company culture; we have a team of employees dedicated to this mission. In 2017, to make the culture even stronger, our culture team invited individuals from all departments (from C-suites to interns) to come together and establish three core values that represent who we are and define the mission we are continuously pursuing through our commitment of customers centricity. These values are people incubation, continuous improvement, and chasing perfection.

These core values are at the root of everything we do, beginning with our hiring process. Our HR and Culture team ensure each job candidate not only has the professional skills needed to succeed but also that he/she aligns with our values. After the hiring process, each employee can expect a transparent, team atmosphere throughout the company. Daily team meetings highlight different members of each department by allowing them to share current wins and roadblocks, resulting in a higher degree of collaboration and a stronger team atmosphere. Again, in the spirit of transparency and chasing perfection, has a monthly “fireside chat” inspired by President FDR’s Fireside Chat broadcasts, and lead by our CEO, Jason Kulpa. The chats are interactive and a time for employees to ask questions, pitch ideas, and voice opinions about anything within the company.

Finally, the most well-loved aspects of our company culture are the events and community involvement opportunities. Once a month, our culture team plans a function that allows team bonding in a fun, non-work-related environment. Some of’s favorite events are our annual scavenger hunt, delivering meals for Meals on Wheels, kickball tournaments, and trivia night. For these events, the workday always ends mid-day so the activity can be prioritized, stating the importance of our culture and a healthy work-life balance. The team is even more excited to announce further community involvement opportunities coming in the upcoming weeks.



Since 2008, has been thinking outside the box when it comes to developing SaaS platforms. Located in San Diego, CA.