Life at Featuring Business Operations Manager, Jessica Sitton
3 min readApr 12, 2019

--’s Business Operations Manager, Jessica Sitton

As the Business Operations Manager, Jessica Sitton manages the efficiency and success of the calls division of the business. As a recent graduate of’s leadership program “uLeader” and a certified SCRUM master, Jessica has the tools to manage a wide range of responsibilities that keep our calls divisions running smoothly. We sat down with Jessica to get an inside look at her role and day-to-day life at

How did you grow into your current role here at

Jessica: “Starting out as a Customer Success Associate here at gave me the ability to know the ins and outs of our platforms and processes which have heavily carried into my current role. That knowledge and experience has given me a unique perspective and has made a tremendous impact in my current role to continually improve our operations. With my education background and interest in business operations, I was able to take steps to grow into my current role. Our leadership team invested in my professional knowledge, and I am now a certified SCRUM master.”

What do you do on a day-to-day basis?

Jessica: “No two days are ever the same for me as my responsibility is to react to the ebbs and flows of our daily operations. What is routine for me is running an hourly revenue pulse, and when there is a dip in our numbers I am challenged with looking at which area of our business to optimize.”

In what ways have you added your personal touch to this role?

Jessica: “I analyze reports and numbers all day every day, but I am equally as invested in the people that make up our business. My extroverted personality drives me to connect with others, and I tailor my approach based on who I am working with. I take the time to understand how others operate both personally and professionally so I am able to work best while alongside them, you can say I love numbers & people!”

Recent accomplishments:

Jessica: “In my transition into this role, I refined the business language and communication style between my peers by creating our “Calls Dictionary.” This document is used across departments to ensure each of us are speaking the same language. I recognized a need for a dictionary as there was frequent miscommunication in cross-department projects. This has greatly improved our communication, and it is a tangible document that anyone can refer to.

Another professional win for me is growing my communication style to reach a wide range of people. In my role, I interact across many departments, from software engineers to our COO, and being a verbal processor has made a noticeable impact. When leaving a meeting, I won’t walk away until I am able to repeat back the talking points and am confident about a project/task. The ability to verbally process keeps me on track with tasks, and also gives my peers the confidence that we are on the same page.”



Since 2008, has been thinking outside the box when it comes to developing SaaS platforms. Located in San Diego, CA.