Introduction. How we are doing?

2 min readJun 7, 2019


Hello everyone! We would like to introduce to you our Hotels!

Who we are?

The UFO-Hotel is the first hotel in the world based on blockchain ownership, verification and booking system — An opportunity to experience the blockchain revolution in real life. Our smart contract is developed and owned by the German company “JA EXPERTS AG”. The Eco-hotel will be built from “UFO-HOUSE” houses made in Germany.

Why choose us?

  • High-tech Eco-hotel
  • Modern design
  • Exceptional comfort
  • Security
  • Recreation complexes on scenic islands

How we are doing? Last week news!

Some days ago we were at the bank and reached the negotiated agreement to launch an IEO project through the “VPE BANK” platform.

It’s a huge step for us!

The “VPE BANK” platform has impressive trading performance and has access to the appropriate networks and equipment for processing individual transactions. VPE BANK also complies with all KYC / AML, BaFin, SEC, FINRA and FATCA requirements.

VPE Bank

During last week we were participating in the 70th FIABCI WORLD CONGRESS.

From developers to architects, managers to brokers, professionals from all backgrounds related to the property industry is gathering at the World Trade Center to discuss the theme of the 2019 edition. “FIABCI” is a worldwide business networking organization for all professionals associated with the real estate industry.

We are glad that we were part of such an incredible event!

FIABCI congress

Read more about us

If you are interested in our project, become an investor




The UFO-Hotel is the first hotel in the world based on blockchain ownership, verification and booking system.