Make It Happen! Manifest What You Desire (part 1)

Deena Kordt
4 min readMar 19, 2022

What are your top 10 deepest desires?

Why do you think they are not in your life yet?

Why not create the life of your dreams?

Sound impossible?

Where is your imagination?

Let’s explore what may be holding you back…

Think of how you approached life when you were a child. Close your eyes and feel the curiosity, the excitement, the anticipation.

We are going to find her, invite her to come out and play, and somewhere along the way, you’ll also find that you are creating the life of your dreams!

It’s really that simple. But guess what the hardest part is? There is one component that is the biggest barrier in allowing these dreams to become reality. It’s YOU. Whether you are aware of it or not, you create obstacles and resistance to all the abundance available to you. Let’s explore this some more with a mini crash-course in manifesting.

Grab a pen and notepad while we dig deeper. Or read through this post and contemplate your answers awhile. It might help to mull them around in your mind while walking, showering, driving, or sitting in the sun. Where do you do your best thinking? Go there!

But first, I can hear you asking, “What is Manifesting”? There are many ways manifesting can be described. Positive Mindset and Law of Attraction are a couple versions you may be familiar with.

The beauty of manifesting, is that it is free, there is no equipment needed, no special education required, and anyone can do it, anywhere, anytime. The benefits are limitless!

If you can imagine it, you can create it! Everything around you came from someone’s imagination. Now, apply that concept to everything you see. It’s mind-blowing! This is not a new concept, yet we race through our daily lives, seemingly oblivious to how IMAGINATION CREATES REALITY. Why not create a reality that YOU desire? Use your imagination! That’s what manifesting is all about.

“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s upcoming attractions.” — Albert Einstein

Ok, got your pen ready? Let’s start with that little girl. Describe your 6-year-old self. What excited you? What did you dream about and wish for? What scared you?

Next: What advice would you give your 10-year-old self? How about your 16-year-old self? 25? If you’re not 25 yet, what would you like to tell her?

What is something you have always wanted to learn?

How would you like to describe yourself a year from today?

List 3 negative thoughts you hear in your head or from your mouth almost daily? Now, take each negative thought and see how you can turn it into a positive one. Here are some examples: Nothing ever goes right for me > Everything works in my favor, even when I can’t see it. I could never have that > Everything I desire is flowing toward me at the perfect time and in the perfect way.

What kind of giver are you? Is it easy for you to give? How easy is it for you to accept thanks, praise, and compliments when you give?

What kind of receiver are you? When you need something, is it hard for you to ask? Do you allow others opportunities to give to you? Do you struggle to accept help, show appreciation, or give praise?

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” — Wayne Dyer

The goal is to help you become more aware of the messages you tell yourself, of what you communicate to the *universe; to explore how you can use your imagination and learn to create what you desire.

List your TOP 10 desires. Include things that aren’t tangible or material.

Consider this.. these ARE all available to YOU! If you can ‘embrace’ that concept vs ‘bracing’ for disappointment, then the universe will arrange to bring it to you in the perfect time, and in the best way, for your greatest good. (no eye rolling here.. It’s true!!)

Think of these desires as part of your Plan A. Don’t automatically downgrade your desires. Try not to think that the best you can expect is less than your greatest wishes. If you expect less, ie. Plan B, then that’s what the universe sends. It wants you to have what you expect. So, don’t sell yourself short. You ARE worthy of everything you deserve and desire. There IS more than enough for everyone, including you.

So, now you are likely wondering just how to actually manifest? The concept sounds intriguing, but there must be more to it.

Don’t worry! I’m here to help you learn & practice manifesting with a more positive mindset, one that’s open to expecting more and ready to receive all the abundance the universe is generously offering to YOU. We can’t cover it all in this short article, but I have a FREE Personal Intro to Manifesting Guidebook for you that goes deeper. Grab your copy here while it’s still available for free.

Take some time to contemplate the above questions. Go at your own pace. There are more questions and prompts in the guidebook. We’ll get into the how’s and why’s of manifesting more in my next blog article.

I leave you today with a quote from one of my favorite people, someone I hope to meet someday!

Sis, once you decide that you deserve better for yourself, the entire universe begins to shift in your favor.” — Tiffany Carter**

xo Deena

*Most humans innately acknowledge a higher power, and for this article I refer to that source as “the universe”. Please feel free to substitute whatever you like here.

**Listen to her podcast! Warning: you’ll be wearing out your rewind button cuz hearing the episodes once usually isn’t enough 😉



Deena Kordt

A country girl rebel with a rock ‘n roll❤️! Everyone calls me “Sunshine” 😉 Author. Writer. Blogger. Reiki Master. Baker.