Meet the Founders: Saulé Designs

RED Labs
4 min readJun 27, 2018


What are you studying?

Serena: Management, with a minor in psychology. I’ll be graduating with certificates in both social and corporate entrepreneurship.

Christie: I don’t really have a major, I’m currently Pre-Business, and I’ll be applying to the Wolff Center in the fall. I have a minor in energy and sustainability because I care about the planet and the energy sector is a huge part of the sustainability movement.

What’s your startup?

Serena: Saulé Designs. It’s a customizable bra company aiming to create solutions for people undergoing physical breast changes while solving in individual needs. It offers transferrable cups allowing for great comfort and support.

Christie: It’s essentially a bra that allows full customization for every body.

How’s your summer been going so far?

Serena: I’m learning a lot, growing a lot, making that money work for us. #bossbabes

Christie: Pretty good. I’ve been learning a lot, and juggling a few different things, this program is so applicable to anything else I’d like to do in the future. Also, it’s hot and I’m mad about it. AND Hayley and her food are giving me problems. ….My pants are smaller.

Serena: The food is really good is what Christie is saying.

How is working in a co-working space?

Christie: I love it. It’s really inspiring, it’s also really cool getting different perspectives from people who don’t have same backgrounds as you. And it’s really fun! Everyone’s so cool but I do get distracted sometimes.

Serena: Everyone is incredible and all the other companies are also doing such cool stuff. Being around them and getting advice and different perspectives and sharing struggles is nice.
Also, Rice is BEAUTIFUL. Thanks to Rice for hosting this year! The trees are incredible, its nice to visit another a college and seeing whats happening over there. Being a part of UH and being on another campus is inspiring.

Christie: My favorite part is being with people who aren’t founders, like bouncing ideas off of them, the things that people say that are so unexpected, it’s awesome.

What’s your favorite aspect of the program?

Christie: The food, honestly.

Serena: Yea, no but for real. But its all of the different resources that are available, from the mentors and speakers and more.

Christie: I love being in the environment of innovation. That can be something that’s hard to find. So its cool to have this experience with people who are trying to change the world in various different ways and are killing it!

How would you describe the culture?

Serena: Constantly changing, in terms of everyone that goes to RED Labs and people trying to change both individually and also trying to change the world with their ideas. .

Christie: It’s intensive because theres all these different people who come in that are amazing role models, and it’s really inspiring in a lot of ways.

How do you feel about the consumption of La Croix?

Serena: La Croix is a second tier beverage that has no place in a top tier environment. That’s it, that’s all that La Croix deserves for me to say anything about it.

Christie: I just like the bubbles, I like that its not excessively sugary, I think there’s better drinks out there. Cold, bubbles, refreshing, I’m here for it.

What’s a random fact about you?

Serena: I really like strategy board games.

Christie: I can put my feet behind my head.

If this team was a pop culture character/group, what would it be?

Serena: If anything, we’re all Monica from FRIENDS.

Is there anything else you want to add?

Serena: I just really love this team and the fact we know we’ll be talking about ideas for Saulé Designs post-summer, and about us as a group and as individuals, we’re gonna be tight. At the end of the day, we’re learning and growing. It’s more important we as individuals succeed more than anything else.

Christie: Wow, very hard to follow up. But yeah, what she said.

Saulé Designs consists of a team of 3 women from the University of Houston: Christie Brannon, Serena Rock, and Roxana Bagheri. Roxana is currently in Europe, she couldn’t make it to the interview!

Check them out and support them on Instagram and Facebook!

– As told to UH RED Labs.



RED Labs

The University of Houston’s startup accelerator and technology entrepreneurship program. Follow us to learn more about startups at the University of Houston.