We have youth on our side! The 2015 UNICEF New Zealand Youth Ambassadors let loose at our offices in Wellington.

Meet the youth on a mission to help children (part two of two)

UNICEF New Zealand
5 min readMar 9, 2015

Last week we introduced you to five of the 2015 UNICEF New Zealand Youth Ambassadors. Today we want you to meet the final six members of this special group.

Our team of young people are representatives for youth in New Zealand and appropriately they are dotted throughout the country. Out of the six young people profiled below, there is a trio from Auckland, with one apiece from each of Hamilton, Wellington and Mid-Canterbury.

They've come together behind the common purpose of helping children.

Our Youth Ambassadors identified this iconic image from Barack Obama’s 2008 Presidential campaign as a motif that spoke to them. Each young person then chose a word to be included alongside their portrait in a pastiche of this style. What follows are their own words:

Cheska Saavedra

Cheska Saavedra, 17, Hamilton

Hope: noun. It keeps us going.

Hi! My name is Cheska. I’m in my final year of high school and hail from the lovely city of Hamilton. I enjoy reading, indie music, psychological thrillers and movies from the historical fiction genre.

Actually witnessing the affects of extreme poverty, and conflicts in developing countries, inspired me to become a Youth Ambassador.

My first love is debating and public speaking. I have been doing both for almost five years. Next year I plan to study either law or development studies at Victoria University in Wellington.

My goal for this year is to work hard for both international and domestic advocacy, to raise awareness about the issues faced by children around the world. Through this, I hope to become a voice for children.

Steven Wang

Steven Wang, 17, Auckland

Focus: noun. To truly make an impact, one must do every task with utmost focus, achieving his or her potential and meeting his or her goals.

Hello! My name is Steven and I am currently in my final year of study at ACG Parnell College.

The subjects that interest me most are physics and mathematics and I aim to study engineering in the future. These two passions led me to realisations about the inequality that exists in the world and inspired me to take action.

Some children, due to lack of education, will never understand the basic principles upon which our universe is founded.

I hope to use my knowledge of physics and mathematics to help alleviate this inequality. I look forward to working alongside UNICEF NZ on solutions to these problems over the next two years.

Saffron Huang

Saffron Huang, 17, Auckland

Passion: noun. It is what drives change—only when we are devoted and commit ourselves can we begin to inspire people to serve others.

Hello! I’m Saffron and I’m in Year 13 at Macleans College in Auckland. I love to do things! Some of these things include tennis, choir, and reading; but most importantly, I love to do what I can for those who are less privileged.

Whatever career pathway I embark on, I want to help improve the quality of life for others — particularly vulnerable children.

I can’t wait to work with this team of passionate young people to bring attention to some of the important issues facing children around the world every day.

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honourable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nardos Tilahun

Nardos Tilahun, 17, Auckland

Compassion: noun. It is what prompts us to seek change and eliminate the suffering of others.

Selam! My name is Nardos. I’m 18 years old and come originally from Ethiopia. This year I started a conjoint degree in law and BA (politics and international relations) at the University of Auckland.

I love art—although I have chosen not to study it formally—and am passionate about human rights.

I look forward to using this opportunity to advocate for the rights of children. I hope to give other youth similar opportunities to engage with social issues they feel passionate about.

Ethyn Sturm

Ethyn Sturm, 16, Mid-Canterbury

Will: noun. Will is what defines our actions, it is what drives our very nature.

My name is Ethyn and I am 16 years old. I live in Mid-Canterbury, where I attended Mt Hutt College, and study philosophy at Canterbury University.

I’m extremely excited about working with UNICEF NZ this year. I feel as though it is only ethical to do what I can to help those who are most vulnerable.

It takes critique and perspective to create a more positive society.

This year I look forward to communicating with other youth groups in New Zealand. In doing this, I hope to have opportunities to share and gain insight about the issues threatening children globally and nationally.

Ripeka Reiri

Ripeka Reiri, 18, Wellington

Inspire: verb. When you inspire one person to make a change, you instill in that person the ability to inspire one hundred more.

Kia ora! I’m Ripeka Reiri and I’m in my first year studying law and international relations at Victoria University. I’m passionate about fighting child poverty, particularly within New Zealand.

My keen interest in child rights has found a voice in the youth initiatives I participate in.

It is so important for young people to be aware of the issues facing children in New Zealand today. I look forward to working with other youth and being part of the driving force for change within our communities.

Follow Ripeka on Twitter.

Whether it be photography or video, Ripeka is super talented with camera in hand. Since beginning her term as a Youth Ambassador she has filmed multiple videos for us, including this short film from the 2014 Youth Congress in Christchurch.

What have you(th) done for me lately? Like them on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to find out.

Photos and words by Ethan Donnell with animated GIFs by Shelley Knowles



UNICEF New Zealand

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