Children, the face of Uganda’s refugee crisis

UNICEF Kampala
2 min readJun 20, 2017


As more than 1,000 children continue to flee South Sudan, on average every day in search of safety, the region’s refugee crisis has become a children’s crisis. Behind this number are the individual faces and stories of children who, in many cases, have experienced terrible, life-altering events.

In the morning, South Sudan refugee children clean their teeth with a sticks at Oraba border post, between Uganda and South Sudan.
South Sudan refugee girl balances a bottle of water on her head at Oraba border post, between Uganda and South Sudan.
Newly arrived South Sudanese refugees including children, wait to be registered at the Kuluba Reception Centre in Koboko District.
Fatima (3) and Subra (12) take cover from the rain at Kuluba Reception Centre near Koboko District, Northern Uganda.
Little Obama Joseph (3) sleeps in a transit tent near the Busia border post in Northern Uganda. His family fled South Sudan as a result of war.
Eliuda Aligo, who’s father was killed, cries on being separated from his uncle, Moses Remo at a transit camp near the Busia border post, Northern Uganda. Together with his siblings they were reunited later that night.
Refugee children at play at a child friendly space (CFS) in Bidoibidi Refugee Settlement, Yumbe District in Uganda
Children at play at the UNICEF supported Integrated Early Childhood Development (ECD) Center in Bidi bidi Refugee Settlement in Yumbe District, Uganda
David Bior and other refugee children make clay models — an activity encouraged at the UNICEF supported Early Childhood Development centre in Nyumanzi Refugee Settlement, Adjumani District.
Refugee children walk home together after school in Nyumanzi refugee settlement, Adjumani District.



UNICEF Kampala

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