Benin: For every girl and boy, the right to dream

4 min readMar 7, 2017


© UNICEFBenin/HadrienBonnaud

“I’m flyiiiiiing!” Marceline , 11 years old grade 6 (CM1) at the International Centre of Art and Music (CIAMO) standing before her collage designed with her mates. “When I grow up I want to become a police officer” says the girl.

Wings For Freedom

The children of Benin celebrated their right to dream. Guided by various artists, the children drew the ‘Wings for Freedom’ and pasted their art works on the walls of Cotonou and Ouidah. The aim of the project is to bring art in the streets and share a positive message of hope and respect of human rights and gender equality. For every girl and for every boy, the right to dream.

© UNICEFBenin/HadrienBonnaud

Marcel Tchimavo, 11 years old in primary school grade 7 (CM2) dreams of becoming a lawyer. He is standing in front of the wings he has designed with his school mates during the drawing and collage workshop organized at the Mathieu Kérékou Stadium.


Supervised by artists from Benin, Africa and Europe, some hundred children drew their own ‘Wings For Freedom’ during a workshop organized at the French Institute.

© UNICEFBenin/YanickFolly

These wings are directly inspired by the global project created by the Italian-Croatian visual artist Marco Conti Sikic and the Malian singer Inna Modja who came to share their creativity in Benin. Marco and Inna were accompanied and backed up by the teams of the NGO Right To Play, Segun Ola, founder of the West African Circus ; and Stone and Dr Mario, Beninese street artists.

© UNICEFBenin/MarcoContiSikic

Girls and boys who attended the workshop, including street children and hard of hearing kids went to the Mathieu Kerekou Stadium in Cotonou to paste and play with their art works.

© UNICEFBenin/YanickFolly

“We will never draw enough every individual’s attention on the children’s fundamental needs that include their right to education, health, protection, recreation, and dream. All children need to play and dream!” Zeynab Abib (left), UNICEF Benin Goodwill Ambassador posing here with Inna Modja (right).

© UNICEFBenin/HadrienBonnaud

Fighting for the rights of the child is an every day challenge! Dovonou Ezéckiel, 9 years old in primary school grade 7 (CM2), wants to save lives and become a doctor. He is posing in front of the wings he has made with his friends during the creation workshop at the Mathieu Kerekou Stadium.

© UNICEFBenin/MarcoContiSikic

We want to deliver a message of hope, freedom and equality for all children. Hope is a very powerful engine that will enable girls and boys to accomplish great things in their life. This project enhances children’s self-esteem and dignity. We want to show them that they are important, that they have rights and that they will achieve their dreams”, Inna Modja, singer and initiator of the project.

© UNICEFBenin/HadrienBonnaud

A second workshop was organized with classes of the International Centre of Art and Music of Ouidah (CIAMO). Dreams and inspiration on Ouidah’s walls, coastal town 40 kilometers from Cotonou.

“The starting point of the concept is to push forward children, and give them exposure, so that they become the spokespersons of a message and authors of an art work. These children are simultaneously protagonists and designers. This is what makes this project so entertaining and hope giving”, Marco Conti Sikic, visual artist and initiator of the project here with Inna Modja.




Chaque enfant a le droit à la santé, éducation et protection — Every child has the right to health, education and protection