Drinking water is back in Kimouanda, thank you UNICEF, Etienne MALANDA, Chief, Village KIMOUANDA.

UNICEF Congo Brazza
4 min readFeb 7, 2018


KIMOUANDA, our village is located in the department of Bouenza on the border with the Department of Pool. It is a small village of 390 inhabitants including 220 women. Thanks to the State, the village had benefited from three boreholes under the “Eau Pour Tous”, two of which have never worked.


Since 2016, the only functional water well has failed. A little water dripped but did not come out at the tap. We then drank the water from the Louvizi river that borders the village. The Louvizi is a large river that presents a risk of drowning for children and its water is unfit for consumption. Very quickly, cases of diarrhea, scabies and fungal infections multiply particularly in children.

On 3 June 2017, 1,037 displaced from the Pool, including 531 women fleeing growing insecurity in their village Kimbedi arrived in Kimouanda. Faced with this new situation, the supply of drinking water had become a major problem and an emergency for the populations.

Thus, the populations have not hesitated to dig a small canal to collect the water flowing from the borehole. It was a yellow-colored liquid that had long to rest in the container so that it was no longer cloudy. It was unfit for consumption but for want of anything better, it was consumed just like the water of the Louvizi. Cases of diarrhea and scabies and fungal infections continued to increase in the village, especially among newly displaced populations in our village. We were really desperate because even as the Chief of the village I did not have any solution.


Fortunately, UNICEF has arrived for assistance to the displaced. Access to clean water has been identified as a priority in the assessment of the humanitarian situation in our village. Thus, the Caritas NGO of the Catholic Church and the Departmental Direction of Hydraulics with technical and financial support from UNICEF were able to rehabilitate the drilling of the “Eau Pour Tous” project.


Soap was distributed and good hygiene practices taught to families. A community relay network has been trained to ensure the adoption and perpetuation of actions that save the population.


Now we have access to safe drinking water and diarrhea, scabies and fungal infections are less common in children in the village according to their mothers. Better two (2) boreholes down in our village which extends over 3 km have just been rehabilitated still with the support of UNICEF. Soon, we will end long waits and endless gatherings source of quarrels in front of the only functional borehole.


The people of Kimouanda express their deep gratitude to UNICEF for this major action for children’s health. Our populations also have a problem of access to health care. The nearest integrated health center is Loutété 11 km away. We run a lot of risk for health emergencies especially during the night. To date, only the vaccine activities in advanced strategy are provided directly in our village by the health center of Loutété.


By Jean Marie Samuel OUENABIO, member of UNICEF Congo-Brazzaville team communication



UNICEF Congo Brazza

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