An Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice to Connect with Real-World Diplomacy

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2 min readNov 23, 2017
Dajana Paravac, Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice student

By Patricia Debriones

Dajana Paravac was 27 and the youngest in her class when she completed the Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice, within the framework of UNITAR’s Multilateral Diplomacy Programme, in August 2016.

“I wanted to learn how to participate effectively in multilateral conferences and negotiations, and to enhance my understanding of the United Nations system. This programme gave me the opportunity to enhance my knowledge in these areas with instruction from diplomats and experts in politics,” says Ms. Paravac.

In addition to gaining knowledge in her field of interest, Ms. Paravac reports feeling more confident after participating in the programme. “The training made me stronger. I would observe diplomats and try to understand how they would say things or how they would react to certain situations.”

“Through these workshops I learned how to participate effectively in multilateral conferences and negotiations. I feel better qualified. I know now how to behave in a multilateral context.”

Indeed, every workshop she attended incorporated hands-on exercises. For example, how to negotiate, draft and adopt a United Nations resolution. “This workshop was presented by a former diplomat. He first explained the theory and then we had the real simulation where we negotiated, drafted and, finally, adopted the resolution.” Ms. Paravac felt the added dimension of hands-on training was invaluable. “At university, one learns what diplomacy means, but one does not have the opportunity to do a simulation with diplomats.”

Moreover, the Executive Diploma allowed Ms. Paravac to network with professionals in her area of interest.

“I met many inspiring personalities from diverse fields and it was amazing to have the opportunity to exchange views on global issues with such distinguished individuals.”

Ms. Paravac highly recommends the Executive Diploma in Diplomatic Practice programme for young graduates, who are interested in diplomacy and international relations. “It is a remarkable opportunity: a unique chance to meet and learn how to perform effectively in a multilateral environment from senior-level diplomats and other government officials and experts.”




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