First thoughts on being appointed the UN Envoy on Technology

I am deeply honoured that the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has appointed me as his first Envoy on Technology. I look forward to consulting closely with all Member States and other partners in my new role.

Though a relative newcomer to the tech field, I spent many years working alongside survivors of war and poverty, victims of human rights abuses, and those with limited access to development opportunities. Amidst current tech debates, I draw my bearings from their hopes and needs.

The tremendous benefits new technologies can and do bring to meeting the Sustainable Development Goals, upholding human rights, facilitating humanitarian action, and furthering peace are too often curtailed or undermined by inadequate international cooperation.

Amidst COVID-19, we have seen growing digital divides within and between our societies. Growing polarization also risks fracturing the digital world further. Without better international cooperation, we risk letting a connected world race ahead of an unconnected one.

We must leave no one behind. This begins with accelerating our efforts to ensure safe, affordable, and meaningful connectivity for all people, particularly those most in danger of being excluded from the benefits of emerging technologies.

I will strive to further this common goal and other cross-cutting priorities identified by States and other stakeholders, by building on the many initiatives and capacities within the United Nations and working with our many exceptional partners.

I remain committed to the multi-stakeholder, open, and inclusive method of work that we have nurtured, in taking forward the United Nations Secretary-General’s Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and maximizing the utility of new technologies for United Nations mandates.

I plan to reach out to Member States, the private sector, and civil society partners (old and new) to collaboratively shape a vision for the Office of the United Nations Envoy on Technology that can have added value and impact in shaping a better future for those who currently enjoy few of its benefits.



United Nations Envoy on Technology

The United Nations Secretary-General’s inaugural Envoy on Technology