Harnessing Data to Shape Migration Policy: The IOM Migration Health Research Portal

IOM - UN Migration
2 min readAug 29, 2018


IOM, the UN Migration Agency, launched its Migration Health Research Portal in April 2018. The portal is a global repository that gathers the organization’s migration health related projects, publications and evidence bulletins in one helpful hub.

The portal is host to more than 700 projects and nearly 500 publications. This includes peer-reviewed scientific papers, technical reports, training guides, policy briefs, discussion papers, factsheets, newsletters, and research reviews from 2006 to the present day.

“Too often, migration governance and policy decisions are based on uninformed opinion rather than sound evidence,” said IOM Director General William Lacy Swing. “The Migration Health Research Portal showcases IOM’s work in the realm of migration and health, a true reflection of the diversity, dynamism, and extent of what IOM does in this field. I trust that the portal will become a great resource and reference site that is easily accessible for policymakers, public health advocates, scholars and researchers from around the world.”

The portal also houses the Migration Health and Development Research Initiative (MHADRI) Global Scholars Network. Launched in 2016, its aim is to build a global network of research scholars devoted to advancing inter-disciplinary research at the nexus of health and migration.

MHADRI network members have contributed to international policy forums on advancing migration health. Their expertise has been utilized by intergovernmental agencies and national governments to provide technical review and catalyze research. In addition, the site also features the IOM Migration Health Research Bulletin and events relevant to migration and health.

“Clearly, the portal is a practical avenue allowing anyone to learn about migration health research initiatives, as it also provides an interactive snapshot of IOM’s intervention footprint and research landscape in the context of migration health programmes globally,” said Jacqueline Weekers, Director of IOM’s Migration Health Division.

“The gaps in public health evidence are glaring considering the sheer magnitude of migrant flows and its importance in globalization and economic development,” noted Dr. Kol Wickramage, IOM Global Migration Health Research and Epidemiology Coordinator. “The second phase of the portal will aim at building a platform to link all migration and health research publications globally and harness expertise from MHADRI network.”

The Migration Health Research Portal has been spearheaded by IOM’s Migration Health Division (MHD) Research Unit, with support from the Information and Communications Technology Website Development and Online Communications Units.

The MHD Research Unit provides technical support and assistance to advancing migration health research across IOM’s migration health programmes, promoting evidence-based practice, and harnesses meaningful and sustainable research collaborations with academic institutions and scholars.

To access the Migration Health Research portal, please go to: https://migrationhealthresearch.iom.int/

This story was written by Dr. Kol Wickramage, Global Migration Health Research and Epidemiology Coordinator based at IOM’s Manila Administrative Centre.

