New Universal Recognition Token (URT) video released!

Universal Recognition Token (URT)
2 min readAug 21, 2018


Today we are proud to announce and present the Universal Recognition Token (URT) official product video! It is a comprehensive, all in one take that delves into the big concept behind URT in an engaging and accessible way. We hope that with our new video, more people across the world will have an opportunity to see what our team is working on and appreciate the transformative power of a better way to recognize. Without further ado, see it for yourself in the link below:

As you can see, the current state of employee recognition in corporations creates multi billion dollar annual waste — most employees simply don’t like the gift/rewards they’re given and have no way to liquidate them, until now. We are providing an extremely convenient and robust way for employees to take control of their rewards and for organizations to engage their people in a more meaningful and personalized way.

Our mobile app is going to be available in every country so users from around the world can bid on prizes and get some incredible deals. We will be making an announcement and sharing a sneak peak of our Alpha app in the coming weeks, as our engineering team is planning to have the release available ahead of the original schedule.

Leave your comments below and get ready to celebrate yourself in an entirely new way.


Brendan & The URT Team

