Sneak peak of the new Universal Recognition Token (URT) app and other community updates

Universal Recognition Token (URT)
2 min readSep 27, 2018


Hey community, we’ve been quiet and you must be wondering what your favorite team has been up to!

We’ve been full steam ahead with active development work on the marketplace platform, along with securing several key vendor partnerships that will put more prizes on the network. There will be more deals and big news announced as we drive forward towards a launch.

But more importantly, the engineering team has been working around the clock on the URT app, you can get a sneak peak of some of our prototype screens above!

As everyone is aware, the cryptocurrency market as a whole has been weakened and slumping as of late; this has created highly unfavorable conditions for our ICO, which we had slated for Q4 of 2018. We will keep on approaching private sale investors during this period while continue to work towards strengthening our market position. We are fortunate to have enough seed money to keep the flywheel in motion, so we are delaying the coin offering until the crypto market recovers.

We believe this is in the best interest of our community and early backers; this way your ETH will get you more URT and the company will be better capitalized for the long term. We will also be temporarily pausing the bounty program until we gain clarity on the main sale, at which point we will recommence the bounty. Your stakes up to this week will be updated and published by Cryptomaze and stakes will be preserved when it starts again.

Despite this slump and postponement, we are going to be firing away on all cylinders regardless of market conditions, which we believe will steadily trend upwards and in the coming months, rebound quite strongly — blockchain technology is here to stay!

Finally, we would like to take a moment to thank our amazing community for all your contributions and support to date, we are excited to continue working with you and reaching new and bigger milestones.

Speaking of which, we will be releasing a dynamic version of the prototype soon and would love some feedback about the app when it’s released. Please stay tuned for important weekly updates on our Telegram and bear with us as we wait this storm out!


Brendan & The URT Team

